The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1974: Are you still duplex?

Chapter 1974 Are You Still Duplex?

With such excitement, Shen Nuo certainly did not miss it, and immediately agreed.

Shen Nuo agreed, and Han Zhuo Ling could only tell Lin Liye that she and Han Zhuofeng would also come.

Then he called the second oldest.

The old lady was very happy when she heard that Han Zhuo Ling had moved upstairs to Shi Xiaoya, and she wanted to see it.

Now that it was Han Zhuo Ling's invitation, the old woman immediately agreed.

So originally, Han Zhuoli and Lu Man were only invited, and now they have become a family member.

Large onlookers.

Han Zhuoli came to see the excitement and was fine, so he followed the road again.

After work, the four went to Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya didn't know what the two of them would look like after they opened the stairs, and now look forward to it.

When I got downstairs, I parked the car and entered the building together.

Han Zhuo Ling first pressed the floor he was on.

Out of the elevator, he was already at Han Zhuo Ling's house.

The spacious entrance and the corridor leading to the living room are extremely wide open.

Han Zhuo Ling has just renovated and has a new home.

But Shi Xiaoya could still smell it, a little more than the taste after decoration last night.

Want to come is the stairs have been made.

Han Zhuo Ling also thought, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was very satisfied.

Han Zhuo Ling did his duty as a host and took Han Zhuo Li and Lu Man to visit. When he reached the edge of the living room, he saw the stairs that had just been connected today.

Like the decoration style of the Han Zhuo Ling family, they are all simple.

"Brother, are you still duplex?" Lu Man asked in surprise.

But it looks nothing like it.

Duplex, that's going upstairs, how can there be downstairs.

Han Zhuo Ling waited for her to ask this.

He straightened his back and fixed his tie. "The downstairs was originally Xiaoya's. Since I bought them upstairs, we still live upstairs and downstairs, so we have more points."

Han Zhuoli said, "So you just got through to the two of you?"

Han Zhuo Ling nodded. "Of course."

Shi Xiaoya also likes the style of the current staircase, which is simple and clean, which fits the style of the upstairs and downstairs.

The four of them went down the stairs again.

Han Zhuo Ling asked Shi Xiaoya, "How about this?"

Shi Xiaoya smiled and nodded, nodded hard, "That's good."

Shi Xiaoya turned her head and looked at the stairs. "It looks like it should be like this."

Han Zhuoling couldn't help laughing, "It should have been this way."

"It was my home downstairs. After I got through, I would clean up every day when I was free and move upstairs. But the room that was already furnished would not be changed. His study is upstairs and my upstairs Down. I need to record videos often, just as I'm downstairs, and I won't be disturbed by loud sounds. "

While talking, Lin Liye called.

It turned out she had arrived.

Han Zhuo Ling went down to pick them up.

Lin Liye not only brought Han Zhuofeng, but also brought his aunt.

"I thought, come to Wenju, it's better for our family to eat at home. When we go to the restaurant, it doesn't taste like this." Lin Liye explained after entering the door. "So I brought Liu Ye with us, too. Have a good meal. "

Unexpectedly, the old lady and Shen Nuo also thought with Lin Liye.

Bring Sun Yan and He Yan over.

So the three aunts went to the kitchen.

The two kitchens upstairs and downstairs are very rich in ingredients and don't worry about enough things.

(End of this chapter)

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