The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1975: What do you think of this little girl?

Chapter 1975 This Little Girl, What Idea Do You Think About?

At the table, the old lady watched Han Zhuo Li sitting with Lu Man, and Han Zhuo Ling was sitting with Shi Xiaoya.

Although the two are not yet married, it seems that they are already deeply in love, and marriage is a matter of time.

The two are sitting together now, and they are just like the couple.

The old lady smiled, but was not happy.

Even Han Zhuo Ling resolved her most worrying thing, and Han Zhuo Ling also had a good marriage.

After eating, Lu Man received a call.

Hanging up the phone, she told Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya: "Zheng Xuexin, the result came out. Liu Enxiao went to the hospital for an injury, the injury was really serious, plus a big brother said hello to the hospital, In the end, some tricks were made. Zheng Xuexin is now sentenced to one year. Even if he wants to appeal, he was finally sentenced lightly, or he performed well in prison and came out early. "

Or use some of his connections to get probation and so on.

Lu Man didn't know about this. She thought about some of the possibilities.

"Anyway, even so, when he comes out, his acting career is over. Besides, in this circle, there are very few real friends, and most of them are related to interests. Interests come, you and I are friends, and interests have nothing to do, who cares What friendship? "Lu Man smiled." So, all his so-called friends may not be able to help him. "

"Like him in the circle, there are many people in jail for various reasons, most of them are not long. But none of them can continue to be beautiful after coming out." Lu Man said, "So, he is finished."

"As for Liu Enxiao." Lu Man laughed. "Big brother had already said hello to Zhuoli before, unless she went to another industry as a makeup artist. In this circle, she couldn't do it anyway."

Shi Xiaoya has no sympathy for Zheng Xuexin and Liu Enxiao.

This thing is over.

The three of them were cleaned up again. The three of them went together and went to the nearby supermarket to fill up Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya's refrigerators.

After everyone left, finally left space for Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Although the two have lived together since last night.

However, at that time, the upper and lower floors were not connected, and Shi Xiaoya did not feel that she was living in her own home, as if she was temporarily living in Han Zhuo Ling.

Unlike now, it really feels like two people live together and live in the same home.

Shi Xiaoya went up the stairs and then ran down again.

"How?" Han Zhuoling looked at her like a child with a smile, and ran up and down without stopping.

"Excellent." Shi Xiaoya stood on the stairs, holding on to the handrail.

Suddenly remembered that I played with my brother at home as a kid.

Seeing her brother slide down from the handrail, she also learned to slide down like Shi Nancang.

But it was too small at that time, I couldn't control the balance.

Fortunately, when Shi Nancang picked up in time, this was not injured.

However, I still saw Shi Guanzhong and grabbed Shi Nancang and took a break.

Crying Shi Nancang so loudly.

Because she was scared at that time, she never dared to play like that again.

Now suddenly remembering this, Shi Xiaoya looked at Han Zhuoling, who was standing under the stairs.

Suddenly receiving Shi Xiaoya's cunning eyes, Han Zhuo Ling somehow suddenly felt a bit scalp.

What do you think of this little girl?

6 is more complete, it will burst tomorrow ~

On the 1st to 7th of this month, for these seven days, the monthly ticket is doubled, and the cast of one will automatically change to 2 tickets, and from the original no one can only cast 5 tickets to 10 tickets per person ~~

Starting today ~ Ask for a monthly pass ~~

Change the monthly ticket for the explosion in advance ~~

Good night ~~

(End of this chapter)

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