Chapter 1989

But where did she get so much money from Lili portal?

"I also spent some money on your 'husband'. Even if you say it, we can calculate it slowly." Shi Xiaoya sneered.

The middle-aged woman vaguely felt that Shi Xiaoya had admitted so easily, was she thinking about something?

But she had no brains.

These words were taught to her by others.

Therefore, she couldn't think of anything else, so she could only follow Shi Xiaoya's words: "You spend too much! The house you live in is bought by my husband! You have a lot of brand-name luxury goods It ’s all my husband ’s money! Even if you are with Han Zhuo Ling now, you are still not satisfied, and you have n’t completely broken off with my husband, you just want to get money from my husband! ”

Shi Xiaoya has come all the way to now, and there are many competitors, so many people have offended.

For a moment, she really couldn't think of who was behind to instruct the woman.

Because there are several suspects.

But no matter who it is, the master behind the scenes is a bit smart.

Knowing that this middle-aged woman can tell these big things, most people can't afford it.

She knew that the outside world had been guessing why she could afford it if she was young.

The middle-aged woman points out that this is what others suspect.

Therefore, as soon as it is pointed out, there will naturally be someone who automatically enters the seat, and there is no need for this middle-aged woman to present any evidence.

Besides, even if she took out the lease contract, real estate certificate and other documents to prove that the owner was her?

It can be said that this middle-aged woman was written by her "husband" under the name of Shi Xiaoya.

However, Shi Xiaoya was not in a hurry.

She listened to the talk outside the door, "It sounds like it's real."

"Otherwise, she is young, unless the family is rich second-generation, otherwise how can you afford these? But, I have never heard of what Shi Xiaoya is rich second-generation. If it had been, it would have spread."

"But Shi Xiaoya behaved calmly and wasn't panic at all."

"Well, right?"

"Who knows, look at what Shi Xiaoya said."

"Any more? Let's talk together." Shi Xiaoya said calmly, without being affected by those arguments.

"Isn't that enough?" The middle-aged woman squeaked.

She shouted to the crowd crowded outside the door, "Look, look! She acknowledged it now! All of it!"

"Shi Xiaoya, you shameless man!" The middle-aged woman yelled, "I will let everyone know your true face, and let your boyfriend Han Zhuoling now know that you are a cheap man! I Tell you, you destroy my family, and I won't make you feel better! I want everyone to know that you are a junk! Don't even think about marrying a good man, Gao Fushui, in your life. Every time you find one, I will Go talk to him! "

"If you're all done, let me say it." Shi Xiaoya said calmly.

"In this studio, I really didn't pay a penny," Shi Xiaoya said. "No one gave me money to invest."

The middle-aged woman immediately seized the opportunity to say, "You all heard! I'm not wrong!"

"Wrong," Qin Zigou said lazily, "because this studio was originally a property in my name."

"Oh no, to be exact, this entire office building is mine. I choose which one I want to be a studio."

(End of this chapter)

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