Chapter 1990

Qin Zigou looked coldly at the employees of other companies who were busy outside. "Including all the companies in this building, as long as I don't like them, they have to give me everything!"

"Your husband pays?" Qin Zigou gave a cry, "What a big face, dare to hold my Qinye's industrial costume? What's wrong with him? Is he able to afford it ?!"

The middle-aged woman looked panicked and stubbed her neck and said, "What you say is yours?"

"Then you said it was your husband's money that was your husband's?" Qin Zigou sneered, "Call the property owner! Ask him, who is this building in the end! What a fool. Be my boss here! "

Needless to say, Han Zhuoling, the property owner has already come here when he learns that something is going on here.

At this time, finally squeezed out from the heavy crowd, the suits were unbuttoned.

"Mr. Qin!" The property owner hurried over.

Speaking of which, Qin Zigou is still his boss.

This building belongs to Qin Zigou. Which property company or security company to look for is all he has to say.

Not only the owner of the property company, but also the owner of the security company, "Mr. Qin."

Qin Zigou pointed to the middle-aged woman, "You put all the stuff in there. I'll leave this building to you for management. That's how you manage it for me? Don't do it, get rid of me early! "

Being so scolded by him, the bosses of the property company and the security company did not dare to say a word.

"Mr. Qin, I will thoroughly investigate this matter when I go back! See who put her in! This situation will never happen again, you must give us another chance!" Said the security company boss.

"After this matter is resolved, I will slowly calculate with you." Qin Zigou said.

Then he gave his fingers to the owner of the property company, "You tell her who this building is!"

The owner of the property company hurriedly followed the middle-aged woman, and at the same time said to the crowd watching the crowd: "I am the owner of the property company that manages this building. This building is indeed owned by Mr. Qin."

The crowd outside was all upset, and the place where they worked every day was their industry.

"That ... that's what I remember wrong!" The middle-aged woman stuttered, "but Shi Xiaoya still relies on men!"

"Your industry is yours, but why do you give Shi Xiaoya free of charge? Oh!" The middle-aged woman sneered, "Shi Xiaoya is good! You love to use your body to change these!"

"Closure your pig's mouth! I'm a child with her, and the two of us are close friends! Go out and ask if I and Shi Xiaoya have been working together since the beginning. When we both decided to open a studio together, I have ready-made suitable land and just took it out. Does Shi Xiaoya lack this rent? Silly. Forcing! "Qin Zigou didn't scold her face at all.

Everyone was wondering outside.

"Cris owns this building, and it can be seen that his house is not ordinary. He is young and the two are friends. Is this poet Xiaoya's home unusual?"

Shi Xiaoya went on to say, "The house I live in is a gift from my brother. There, you can't afford it."

"Well! You said it was your brother who sent it? We ca n’t afford a house with a lot of money?" Shouted the middle-aged woman.

"Just because the earrings you are wearing are not jadeite, but chalcedony that can be bought at the jade wholesale market for a hundred."

(End of this chapter)

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