The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1991: Repeat what you said just now

Chapter 1991: Repeat What You Just Said

"The diamond ring on your hand is actually zircon, as are the bracelets. The so-called brand name is all imitations in the night market, or low imitations." Shi Xiaoya said coldly.

"Your husband is so rich, but you are wearing a fake?" Shi Xiaoya asked calmly.

"Well! You say it's a fake? It's a fake? I bought them at the counter!" Said the middle-aged woman.

Shi Xiaoya also said: "The foundation liquid on your face is all makeup and powder, and the face is very dry, and the law lines and the corners of the eyes have cracked. Although your fingernails are coated with nail polish, your fingers Very rough, rough fingers, and cocoons and cracks. This is a pair of rough hands. Don't tell me, your husband has money for other women, but you are so embarrassed. Let you even the most basic maintenance If you do n’t do it, you will keep doing rough work. ”

The panic on the middle-aged woman's face was particularly obvious, and she could only hold back and said, "When we were young, we had no money. At that time, in order to support his career, I could only do rough work outside!"

Shi Xiaoya shook her head, "But the crack on your finger was newly formed. The thin cocoon on your fingertips can be restored as long as you don't do rough work for a few years and slowly maintain it. Only by doing it uninterrupted It will be so. Not to mention Mrs. Rich, even if it is a lady of ordinary people, usually only do housework, there will be no hands like you. "

"As for whether these things on your body are imitations, do you dare to show them for inspection? The fakes are never genuine, and there are many differences between high imitations and authentic ones, not to mention you bought them at night markets. Low imitation. "Shi Xiaoya said.

"Coincidentally, you have them in my studio." Qin Zigou said, "It's all for guests."

He paused and looked out the door. "No one would think that I would give customers fakes!"

Naturally no one would think so.

Everyone subconsciously shook his head.

Qin Zigou then ordered the assistant, "Bring me the same paragraphs that she wears."

"Yes." The assistant went quickly.

In fact, don't take it out, this middle-aged woman is already panicked.


Seeing her response, Shi Xiaoya said, "Say, who asked you to pour dirty water on me."

"No one! You're just a junk for the third, I'm not wrong!" Said the middle-aged woman.

But at this time, anyone could see that she was supporting.

It seems that someone really let her come to injustice Shi Xiaoya.

"Who are you talking about?" A cold voice sounded suddenly from the door.

Shi Xiaoya just found out that there was a constant argument at the door, and I didn't know when it would disappear.

Shi Xiaoyaguang heard the sound and didn't need to look to know who was coming.

Looking at it for a while, I saw Han Zhuoling standing at the door.

When Shi Xiaoya looked over, he also looked at her, and then came in.

Standing next to Shi Xiaoya, she also gave a slight glance at Qin Zigou.

Qin Zigou: "..."

When is it still jealous!

Qin Zigou put aside his lips and, unlike Han Zhuo Ling's general knowledge, consciously took a step to the side.

In fact, he was not close to Shi Xiaoya. It was Han Zhuoling who was careful, and he was not even happy with this distance.

The middle-aged woman was frightened when she saw that Han Zhuo Ling was also here.

More panic.

"Tell you what you said just now." Han Zhuo Ling said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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