The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2001: Black history

Chapter 2001 Black History

"There is a little boy in your class who kissed you suddenly while doing crafts. You came back and told us. When your brother heard it, he went to talk to others again. In the end, we beat him for a while. Dispelled that idea. "

Everyone: "..."

Shi Nancang is not easy!

Shi Nancang: "..."

Can you not mention this dark history?

"It's more than that!" Du Yichen said, "When you were in junior high school, people were stuck in a very inconspicuous place next to the school building. In fact, people just want to ask you if you want to be a girlfriend. As a result You were so scared and shouted at Brother. Unexpectedly, your brother really went. "

This is also because they go to Qi's Majesty School from primary school to junior high school.

His Majesty's College covers everything from elementary school to high school.

So even though Shi Nancang went to junior high school and Shi Xiaoya was still in elementary school, they were still in the same school.

"The kid was scolded by your brother directly," Du Yichen said, "while in high school—"

"Mom." Shi Xiaoya called quickly.

Besides, she's going to be bad tonight.

Now Han Zhuo Ling's eyes are very bad.

Han Zhuoling looked coldly next to it, Shi Xiaoya was particularly stressed.

Du Yi understood for a second, snickered: "Okay, don't say it, don't say it."

"You see, her brother has taken care of her so much and never told her to suffer, so someone really dares to provoke her, and she is very brave," Du Yi said with a smile.

"That's good, this is good." The old lady nodded unanimously, "We can't suffer if we are outside!"

At this time, Xia Qing returned without holding Wang Yijun's young boy who had just woke up.

The little dumpling just woke up, not yet awake, and still spitting bubbles in his mouth.

But his eyes were already open and he was curious.

The old lady particularly likes small dumplings.

Before Xia Qing came in, the old lady followed.

Because the seats had not been officially opened before, the old lady was sitting with Shi Xiaoya.

This small banquet hall was originally able to hold six tables and a performance stage.

Because there were only the Wang family, the Han family, and the poet family, four were withdrawn, leaving only two.

Wang Juhuai also felt that it was not convenient to sit and chat separately. Who sat with whom?

This is difficult to arrange.

Therefore, Sheng Yue simply exchanged for an extra large table, a table can seat forty people.

The turntable in the middle is powered and turned slowly, so that when the dishes turn to their own eyes, they eat.

In this way, everyone can chat at a table and get closer.

At this moment Xia Qing returned without holding the small dumpling, and the old lady returned to her original position.

Sitting right next to Xia Qingwei, teasing a small dumpling.

"Oh, this eye is still moving, what are you looking at?" The old lady asked with a smile.

The little dumpling's eyes murmured, very curious.

Look at this and look at that.

The dull and curious look can make everyone like it.

Moreover, the small group has a habit of holding things.

I especially like shaking hands with fingers, as soon as someone reaches for a finger, he immediately holds it.

Probably I feel that the fingers are particularly easy to grip, just to be surrounded by his short and fat little fingers.

Lu Man came over and said, "Grandma, I'll show you something fun."

"What's fun?" The old lady asked quickly, like an old urchin.

(End of this chapter)

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