The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2002: Is he really

Chapter 2002: Is He Really

Lu Man stretched his finger to the small dumpling's eyes.

The small black eyes of the small group always followed Lu Man's fingers.

Where Lu Man's fingers are, his eyes are going.

The small group seemed to know that Lu Man was playing with him, and he was very happy, grinning and showing a toothless smile.

The small hand is going to grab Lu Man's hand.

But every time he was about to catch, Lu Man escaped.

More times, the little dumplings are a little anxious.

Qi simply does not grasp.

Lu Man then stopped his hand, and the small group quickly grabbed her hand and let it go.

"Grandma, come up with a finger, he likes to grab it," Lu Man said.

The old woman also stretched out a finger.

When the small group looked, it was as if the fortune-taker saw gold.

Originally holding Lu Man's fingers with both hands, he let go of one hand at the moment, even the old lady's.

"Xiaoya, hurry up, you can stretch one too!" Lu Man said.

Shi Xiaoya laughed as she walked over and asked, "Can he catch it?"

"He can't be more anxious to be more fun." Lu Man said with a smile.

So Shi Xiaoya also stretched out a finger.

The little dumpling was really anxious.

Look at the new fingers, and then look at the **** you already have.

Release Lu Man's hand to catch Shi Xiaoya, and then release the old lady's hand to catch Lu Man, and then release Shi Xiaoya's hand to catch the old lady.

"Look, this little guy is greedy." Lu Man laughed at the small group.

"You, you play with your brother as a toy all day long." Xia Qingwei also laughed with tears coming out.

While Lu Man teased Yi Jun, he said, "I don't have any children yet. When I have children, I will play with him like a child."

"You're a long snack," Xia Qing said with a smile.

Everyone was talking here and laughing.

And at this time the road home.

Xia Qingyang Tieqing said, "Your dad is not coming back tonight! Can he come home once a week these days?"

Lu Qi also had to admit, "Mum, you said, did he really find someone outside?"

Xia Qingyang stood up suddenly, and came back to the house for a while before coming out. The man had already put on his coat and was carrying his bag.

"Mom, where are you going?" Lu Qi stood up.

"I'll go to his company to see! Isn't he saying that he needs to work overtime? I'd like to see where he works overtime!" Xia Qingyang said.

Lu Qi thought about it and said, "I'll go with you."

So they drove to Luchi.

Although most employees are off work, some remain to work overtime.

Xia Qingyang led Lu Qi into the company aggressively.

Outside Lu Qiyuan's office.

Jiang Yujie was not in his seat.

Xia Qingyang pushed the door of Lu Qiyuan's office, but couldn't open it.

"People! No one?" Xia Qingyang yelled, "Give me a person!"

At this moment, a female staff member came out of the secretary's office, "Mrs. Lu."

"Where is Lu Qiyuan?" Xia Qingyang asked coldly.

"The president is off work," said the female staff member.

"After work? He didn't work overtime and did not entertain?" Xia Qingyang asked back.

"This ..." When the female staff heard her voice, she knew something was wrong, and said, "Is there any overtime? The president is not here now."

(End of this chapter)

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