The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2008: make trouble

Chapter 2008

"And, even if Xia Qing didn't really mean it, Lu Man wouldn't allow it."

"Lu Man is a savvy person. She still has to use Wang Juhuai's resources and fame. How can Xia Qing not ruin her such a good backer? If there is something ugly, even Lu Man will follow suit. It ’s news, opinion, the attitude of the Han family, etc. These are all things that affect the whole body. "

"Xia Qing has never been painful and sensible, and Lu Man will not allow such things to happen, and she will not do such things." Lu Qi analyzed, "So, those you are worried about are definitely not It will happen. "

There is another word, Lu Qi did not say.

If the mother and daughter were really so stupid, would she and Xia Qingyang still be where they are now?

Lu Man and Xia Qingwei would not do such a stupid thing.

"It's because of this that we can stand at a commanding height of stability and win." Qi Qi said, "Xia Qingwei and Lu Man have some scruples, but we don't. They are afraid of them anyway."

Xia Qingyang was centered by Lu Qi's words and focused on, "You're right, let's go!"

When Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi arrived, Xia Qingwei was chatting easily at the dinner table.

She and Lu Man don't know yet, Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi are coming to meet others.

Xia Qingyang parked his car and got off with Lu Qi.

Xia Qingyang's best is to spill, she is not afraid at all.

Because Wang Juhuai didn't want to host this birthday party with a high profile, Sheng Yue was open as usual.

If a guest comes, just let in. You can't help but let people in.

Therefore, Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi entered Shengyue without any obstruction.

They were also smart and didn't ask for manager-level inquiries.

It is inevitable that someone will recognize them, and judge that they cannot be invited by Wang Juhuai at all.

Therefore, they found a waiter who looked at Nennen and asked Wang Juhuai to hold a 100-day banquet.

Sure enough, the waiter did not recognize them, and thought that they were guests invited by Wang Juhuai. He also led the way for them and was taken to the door of the 100-day party.

Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi behaved like dogs, and they really bluffed people.

Thank you very politely.

After the waiter left, Xia Qingyang adjusted his mood and turned to look at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi nodded at her.

Xia Qingyang took a deep breath and put his hand on the door.

Then suddenly pushed hard.

The door opened with a bang, and the sound was loud enough to startle everyone inside.

Involuntarily stopped the laughter and looked at the door.

Wang Juhuai frowned, Sheng Yue's service would not be so bad.

As soon as the voice rang out, Wang Yijun's little group was frightened, and "Wow" cried out.

Xia Qing didn't hurry up to pick him up, slowly shaking and coaxing in his arms.

Xia Qing was so annoyed that he just blinked and recognized the person.

But now she has no time to compare with Xia Qingyang's mother and daughter, and her heart is hanging on the small group.

Han Zhuoli silently called Sheng Yue's general manager and said that something was wrong here.

Lu Man estimated, when Xia Qingyang was in trouble, he couldn't walk easily, so he went to the corner to contact the bear.

"Bear, where are you now, is it convenient to come to Shengyue?" Lu Man asked.

Big Bear was pleasantly surprised, "Why, do you want to give me the news of the 100-day feast?"

(End of this chapter)

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