The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2009: Just

Chapter 2009

"It's better news than the 100-day feast. When will you arrive as soon as possible?" Lu Man asked with a smile.

"Hey." Big Bear was a little embarrassed. "I'll be right in front of Shengyue."

Big Bear explained embarrassingly, "Isn't this a hundred-day banquet in your house? Although no reporters were invited, many reporters were waiting outside Shengyue and wanted to take a photo. Everyone came, and I couldn't stop coming. Otherwise, they did. I did n’t. Does n’t this look like I ’m very unprofessional? ”

Lu Man smiled, but did not expect it to be crooked.

"Okay, then you come over." Lu Man told him the room number of this small banquet hall and hung up the phone.

Han Zhuoli and Lu Man and his wife can be said to cooperate very well.

Naturally, the two wouldn't know. After Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi stopped for a while, they chose to make trouble today.

Faced with such an unexpected situation, the two did not discuss it together, and they began to settle Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi.

The response was unpleasant.

When both of them contacted each other, they saw each other's lips tacitly after seeing that the other party had just ended the call.

Here, Xia Qingyang rushed in and made a look around.

But the rooms are so big in total that they can be seen at a glance.

In addition, there were not many people in the original room.

At this point, who is in the room can see at a glance.

Xia Qingyang was still unwilling and asked directly, "Xia Qingwei, my husband!"

Xia Qing didn't even look at her before she watched, still shaking Wang Yijun slowly, coaxing him.

The little dumplings were quite temperamental. After being frightened, they refused to calm down for a while.

He no longer had tears, it was dry, so this was anger.

I don't know who made such a big movement, it scared him and made her angry.

Xia Qing was helpless, so he could only hold him up and go back and forth, and picked up a balloon and shook him in front of him, coaxing him.

Xia Qingwei was so disregarded, Xia Qingyang was naturally enraged and shouted: "Xia Qingwei! You speak! You are so guilty that you dare not speak to me, right!"

"What the hell! I'm sorry to say that others are guilty." Wang Ju was pregnant with his wife and did not plan to let Xia Qing not show up.

He stepped forward to prevent Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi from approaching Xia Qingwei.

Han Zhuo Ling, Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Feng also followed.

Seeing this, Shi Nancang also followed.

Needless to say, Wang Juhuai, the three brothers of Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Nancang, these four men are tall and big, just like a wall of people.

Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi don't say to go forward, they are almost unable to see where Xia Qing is not.

Lu Man came over and said coldly, "You can't find your husband. What are you doing here?"

"What is my husband? That's your father!" Xia Qingyang exasperated.

"Don't be so loud, it scares my brother." Lu Man said bluntly, without paying attention to Xia Qingyang's words. "You saw it, there is no one you are looking for."

"Xia Qingwei, you came out to talk! Where did you hide Lu Qiyuan? You shameless woman, you always know how to hook up. Take a man with someone else. When you were with Lu Qiyuan, you hooked Wang Juhuai. Now You are married to Wang Juhuai and you are hooking Lu Qiyuan! You are a habitual one! Shameless! "

"Who is Saner, don't you know? My mother hasn't put Lu Qiyuan in her eyes for more than 20 years."

(End of this chapter)

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