Chapter 2018

"Of course." Xia Qingyang said in a cold voice. "You must investigate his outside residence and know who the woman is!"

Lu Qi thought about it and said, "I think Dad's assistant is very suspicious."

"Young and beautiful, looking weak and weak, especially bullying on the surface, it is easy to arouse a man's desire for protection." Lu Qi did not say, that Jiang Yujie looked at it, and was even more capable than her.

Xia Qingyang didn't speak for a long time, turned his head and looked at Lu Qi so quietly.

Lu Qi finally turned to look at her, and Xia Qingyang looked at her heart, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Why look at me like that?"


Xia Qingyang looked at her for a while and then said, "Lu Qi."

Lu Qi burst into her heart.

Xia Qingyang always called her "Qiqi". This time she suddenly called out with her last name in such a cold tone.

Lu Qi smiled, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you really doing it for me? Or hit me and use me as a sword?" Xia Qingyang calmed down now.

Now that I know that Lu Qiyuan's shirt had just had an affair.

She couldn't do much until the results were investigated.

After anger, reason returned.

Everything that had happened before, flashed through her mind as if it were upside down.

From Lu Qi did not care about her at all, she just avoided herself, and at the beginning she asked her to find Xia Qingwei's trouble.

Xia Qingyang said coldly: "Qiqi, you are my daughter, so I never fortify you. I believe everything and listen to you. As long as it is for your good, you never ask me to refuse Yes. But I never thought you would treat me as a fool. "

"Mom, what are you talking about? Why do you think of me like that?" Lu Qi stopped the car by the side of the road and took a deep breath. "I always stand on your side, no matter what, it's all about You think it's so sad that you say me like that. "

"Is that right?" Xia Qingyang didn't know if he had believed it. "I suspect your dad is having an affair, so you can lead me to Xia Qingwei. In fact, if you want to come now, that's simply impossible. No matter who listens to it Impossible, I won't believe it. "

"But I still believe in you, because you are my daughter, and I feel that at any time, we are standing together. From childhood, I have done everything for you, and I can do everything for you. As long as you ask , I did not refuse. "Xia Qingyang said chillingly.

"As long as it is for your good, I always do it happily." Xia Qingyang said, "For you, I have been working hard to run the road and finally helped you in place. For you, I have been pressing the road Man, don't make her look better than you. "

"Even though Lu Man was out of control, the cause of your victimization continued to decline. In order to help your career, as long as I can do it, I have done it. I am afraid that you will be exposed to bad news, To make things worse, I have come to help you out. "

"Why do you gradually violently expose your own nature in front of your dad?" Xia Qingyang asked back, "It's just to help you! To help you, I did all the scolding and scolding. In front of your dad, I did everything. After doing it, what use is there to disguise again? It's too late. I'll just leave it out. "

(End of this chapter)

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