The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2019: Can I still believe it?

Chapter 2019 Can I Still Believe?

"I will do my best to help you as long as you can help me."

"For you, I even went to jail." Xia Qingyang sighed. "What do you want to do to make Xia Qingwei and Lu Man happy? Just tell me, I can't help Are you? Anyway, I'm like this now, and don't care about the image. Why do you treat me as a fool? "

Xia Qingyang sneered sarcastically, and laughed at himself: "It's really because I'm stupid. If you tell someone else to tell me, I definitely don't believe it. It's because you told me, so I No doubt at all. Just do it. "

"After discovering the truth afterwards, I felt stupid and more sad." Xia Qingyang said uncomfortably. "My daughter can't say anything directly, but just use me. My daughter comes to use me! Then I live most of my life, Are there any real loved ones? "

"The husband is having an affair, and the daughter takes advantage of it." Xia Qingyang shook his head and mocked, "You said before, maybe your dad was still concerned about Xia Qingwei. Although I thought it was impossible, I believed it because you said it. What happened? I was so ugly in front of Xia Qingwei. I was dragged out like a crazy woman. "

"And you just watched from side to side, and didn't say a word from beginning to end." Xia Qingyang grew more and more uncomfortable, and was counted by her daughter, and even made her more uncomfortable than Lu Qiyuan's derailment.

Anyway, Lu Qiyuan's virtue, she had already seen through.

To Lu Qiyuan, she used mostly.

But to Lu Qi, she really paid everything.

"You think I shame you. But when you use me and hit me, why don't you think I shame?" Xia Qingyang asked.

"Mom, I didn't!" Lu Qi refused to admit it when she died. "Yes, I just ... didn't show up to help you just now. It's because I know that even if I show up, it's useless. Who would listen to me? It's Han Zhuoli Lu Man? Or Xia Qingwei? No one treats us as family, what I said is useless at all! I'm really ... really afraid. If there is no improvement in the career, if this time things become more Hopeless, I ... "

"I want the topic, but it's not the topic." Lu Qi said.

Xia Qingyang didn't know whether he had believed or not, and said, "I, all the faces in this life are lost for you. If I were myself, where would I lose such a big face? Since there was a problem in your career, I For you to go to Xia Qingwei and Lu Man's trouble, shame every time. "

"So far, I just broke the can and broke it, just like a crazy woman. I know how they think about me, so I said that I was a vixen, and I couldn't get on the table, but now I can't get on the table." Xia Qingyang He said, "But who am I for?"

Looking at Lu Qi now, Xia Qingyang is worthless for himself.

For Lu Qi, she gradually changed to what she is now, but Lu Qi disgusted her.

When she was needed, she was beaten.

Make her a bitch.

I feel ashamed and hide away.

"You said your dad wanted to reunite with Xia Qingwei, but it turned out not to be. You just tried to mess with me." Xia Qingyang said, "So, now you tell me again that his little three may be his assistant. I Still dare to believe? "

Lu Qi sank her face, a look of righteousness.

(End of this chapter)

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