The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2020: Ambition

Chapter 2020 Ambition

"Mom, you also said that I am your daughter. How do you always think about me, can I not know? I have no such conscience to use you! This time, it is my judgment that is wrong! You cannot I made it so dark because I was wrong. "

"You're sad, I'm still sad! I'm helping you analyze, hoping to find out that Primary Three. It's because the judgment is wrong, you think of me like this. How can you think of me like that?" Even if Lu Qi is cold now , But also Zhenger Bajing acted, this tear is not coming?

Now the eyes are red, and tears are swirling in the eyes. "Mom, you just said you can do everything for me. We are really on the same line. How can you doubt me? I am you Daughter! You don't believe me! "

As Lu Qi talked, tears fell.

She was so uncomfortable, Xia Qingyang's heart softened again.

Can't help but wonder if I really thought about it and misunderstood Lu Qi.

After all, Lu Qi grew up watching her.

She paid so much for Lu Qi, Lu Qi also knew.

How could Lu Qi bear with her?

A little conscience, they will not take advantage of their mother!

Lu Qi would not be like this.

Besides, she could do it if she was good to Lu Qi.

How can you blame Lu Qi?

It's her turn.

Xia Qingyang hurriedly said, "Qiqi, it's my fault. I shouldn't misunderstand you. Don't cry."

Lu Qi shook her head, "I also know that it's my fault, because I'm the one who has been involved, and you've lost money again and again. You could have been a good lady, but you got ridiculed and suffered so much because I came out. .Mum, I know. "

Xia Qingyang's tears moved.

She didn't give up.

She paid everything, Lu Qi looked in her eyes, she knew it.

This is enough.

"Mom, I really think that Jiang Yujie is also possible, really. You said that I said before that Xia Qing was not possible, and I was using you, but for Jiang Yujie, what can I do with you?" Lu Qi sucked her nose, light Gently wiped her tears, "I didn't expect our conflict with Xia Qingwei's mother and daughter before, but I didn't expect it to make you misunderstand now."

"Don't say it, I misunderstood you, it's my fault." Xia Qingyang said.

Lu Qi stopped talking about Xia Qingwei. "Mom, that Jiang Yujie, I have seen her before."

"Oh?" Xia Qingyang also did not mention the unpleasant things tacitly.

The mother and daughter were treated as if nothing had happened before.

But whether they really have no mustard in their hearts, only the two of them know.

Lu Qi talked about Jiang Yujie, "I saw her at the company that time. It seemed that she had just joined the company not long before and didn't recognize me. I wanted to go in to find my dad, and she dared to stop me. People, who doesn't know the two of us! When we went, nobody stopped me. "

"Her colleague made a siege for her, saying that she was new, unreasonable, and never met me." Lu Qi snorted, "This is a lie to the ghost."

"Even if I had no resources at the time, but in terms of my previous popularity, it was not so easy to forget? And I was makeup makeup and did not cover it. She said she didn't know me and said with open eyes Nonsense. At that time, I felt that she was afraid of being ambitious. I didn't know how to provoke her in the back. "

(End of this chapter)

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