The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2046: Can you give me some face?

Chapter 2046 Can You Give Some Face?

"In the future, we occasionally come back to live and remember the past. Or just keep it as a memorial." Han Zhuoring said, and smiled. "After all, this is where I live with Xiaoya officially, it is very memorable . "

Shi Guanzhong and Du Yizhen did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling had already thought of such a long term.

However, Han Zhuo Ling has a clear plan for the future of him and Shi Xiaoya, and has already made a commitment to the future.

Even Lin Liye prepared them for the wedding room.

All these make the parents of Shi Guanzhong and Du Yichen feel at ease.

This time I wanted to see what the family looked like after they lived together.

And cohabiting intimately so quickly, how much makes Shi Guanzhong feel too fast.

But now hearing what Han Zhuo Ling said, Shi Guanzhong no longer felt that way.

Han Zhuo Ling had already arranged it step by step.

I was scheduled to have a child with Shi Xiaoya.

This man really ran to marry Shi Xiaoya from the beginning.

Shi Guanzhong and Du Yichen were naturally satisfied with Xiaoya ’s parents.

It is rare that even Shi Nancang has nothing to say.

Han Zhuoling is really reliable and very reliable.

For others, no matter who it is, I am afraid it cannot be as reassuring as Han Zhuo Ling.

So even if there was a feeling that his daughter had been taken away by Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Guanzhong didn't think so.

Very satisfied with Han Zhuo Ling.

In order to prevent Shi Nancang from saying anything, Shi Guanzhong also glanced at him quietly, let him not go too far.

Shi Nancang: "..."

After looking around upstairs, the four went back to the living room downstairs, drinking tea and chatting.

"Usually Xiaoya cooks?" Shi Guanzhong sipped his tea and asked.

"Usually, I have an aunt to cook." Han Zhuo Ling said, "Xiao Ya is busy with her work. How can I get her back to do this?"

"Usually when we come back, it is the aunt who prepares the food." Han Zhuo Ling explained.

"The two of us also rarely take a rest together on weekends. It ’s not often when they both have a rest and have no work. Usually she is going to work outside or with the group. Or I have to work or travel. Rarely like today, the two All at home. "Han Zhuo Ling laughed.

"When we are both at home, we go out for a date, or we all rest at home." Han Zhuo Ling filled the tea for the three of Shi Guanzhong. "In this way, we have very little time at home, so there is very little Fire at home. "

"Sometimes the interest comes, Xiaoya will cook two dishes for me." Han Zhuoling said with a smile.

Sometimes he especially wanted to eat, Shi Xiaoya would cook in person.

Otherwise, Han Zhuo Ling is also reluctant to keep Shi Xiaoya busy.

Si Nancang drank his mouth tea, and finally recovered his fighting power. "You won't cook?"

Han Zhuo Ling: "?????"

"How can a man not cook!" Shi Nancang said immediately, "You have to be in the kitchen and out of the hall!"

"Hehe." Han Zhuo Ling smiled twice and asked, "Will the brother do it?"

Shi Nancang just wanted to bluff him. Who knows that his mother-in-law, Du Yizhen, did not give up the face, "What will he do! From small to large, there are only three purposes in the kitchen. Find good food and good food Yes, and where to eat and drink. "

Shi Nancang: "..."

Mother, can you give me some face?

(End of this chapter)

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