Reference 2047

If Han Zhuo Ling can be fooled by Shi Nancang, can it still be Han Zhuo Ling?

I saw him smile and said, "It turns out that the older brother can't."

Shi Nancang didn't admit defeat. "It won't be possible to learn! The key is to see if you have this heart."

Han Zhuoling nodded, "I always wanted to apply for a cooking class to learn. But I am a big man in the past, I am very sorry. Since the big brother also has this intention, it would be better for us to go together, there is nothing to be embarrassed . "

"..." Shi Nancang twitched his mouth and said, "I don't have a girlfriend yet, don't worry. I will say it when I have a girlfriend who wants to talk about marriage. You can go by yourself, you are more imminent."

Han Zhuoling nodded. "In this case, let me learn from my aunt at home first."

Han Zhuoling spoke seriously and frightened both Shi Xiaoya's parents and Shi Nancang.

Seeing him like this, really want to learn?

Han Zhuo Ling really planned this way, not to say that it was nice, and he liked it in front of Shi Xiaoya's parents.

When eating Shi Xiaoya's own cooking, Han Zhuoling thought that eating the other person's own cooking would actually be full of happiness.

He thought about it and went to learn it.

Nothing is necessary, but at least a few dishes.

At least know how to fry?

Not to mention, he really doesn't even cook noodles now.

Noodles won't cook.

Just thinking about waiting to learn at least two or three dishes, I cooked for Shi Xiaoya to eat.

Things like cooking in person, for the two of them, is just one of the ways to add fun to life. Naturally, it will not be done every day.

It's more than once a month.

Du Yichen became more satisfied with the prospective son-in-law.

The poems were somewhat shocked.

Because he unconsciously started to make up for the appearance of Han Zhuo Ling wearing an apron and cooking in the kitchen.

No matter how I think, I feel ... especially offensive.

Especially in Shi Guanzhong, but when I saw Han Zhuoling talking about business affairs, it was extremely popular and uncompromising.

At this time, the cold iron-fisted person suddenly became the image of a home-cooked husband.

At this time, Shi Xiaoya brought out two dishes and put them on the dining table.

When Han Zhuo Ling saw it, he said to Shi Guanzhong: "I will help Xiaoya to bring out the dishes first."

"Ah, good." Du Yizhu smiled and watched Han Zhuo Ling went to the kitchen.

As soon as I turned my head, I changed my face to my own son, "You look at Zhuo Ling. You just know that you can tell people to learn how to cook. When you get to it, you won't learn it. What else do you say? . "

Shi Nancang: "..."

He is trying to benefit Shi Xiaoya, why should he lie down?

Even Shi Guanzhong said, "You, take your time. Zhuo Ling is fine."

Even Shi Guanzhong turned to Han Zhuo Ling.

Sinan Cang suddenly felt that he was really fighting alone and was very hard.

Shi Xiaoya made a table today that was not cooked during the Chinese New Year, and I think it is quite successful.

Shi Guanzhong and Du Yizhen smiled at the brow.

Not to mention how delicious Shi Xiaoya makes, the craft is really good.

But no matter how good it is, it ’s better than the chef ’s craftsmanship?

Home-style dishes, but Shi Guanzhong and Du Yizheng still have fun.

No matter how good the chef is, he is not as happy as having his daughter cook in person.

(End of this chapter)

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