The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2048: Not ready yet

Chapter 2048: Not Ready For Psychology

Shi Guanzhong nodded straightly, "It's delicious, Xiaoya's craftsmanship is much better than the chef outside."

Shi Xiaoya laughed. "Dad, I still know a little bit about myself. My craft is just the level of ordinary home-cooked food, which is incomparable to that of a chef."

"Who said that, I just think you make the best food." Shi Guanzhong emphasized.

Han Zhuoling nodded, "Dad is right, I think so. It's much better than Shengyue's chef."

Shi Xiaoya was amused by them.

He said that Han Zhuoling said so, but he couldn't let Yan Beicheng know.

If Yan Beicheng was told that Han Zhuoling said that his chef's skills were not as good as hers, Yan Beicheng would probably be depressed.

Because this time when he was here, Du Yijun told him to tell him to stop drinking Han Zhuoling endlessly.

They are here to warm the house, not to drink wine.

Besides, I was drunk and couldn't say anything.

Might as well drink a few glasses, everyone is comfortable, have a good chat, and improve some understanding of each other.

You are so drunk that you haven't talked about anything, and you have trouble your daughter.

This is not to say that the first time Han Zhuoling came to test Han Zhuoling.

Look at the character from the wine, drink more with him.

The so-called spit truth, the first time you meet, this way of understanding is the fastest.

Although in the end, it was a complete mess of poetry.

So this time, Du Yi raised his face and told Shi Nancang not to drink so much. Is n’t it good for everyone to chat?

So this time, although Shi Guanzhong and Shi Nancang brought wine, they did not drink a lot with Han Zhuo Ling.

And Shi Guanzhong paid attention to it. Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya had wine cabinets here, and they did put some red wine and whiskey in it.

But they did n’t open the bottle, and they did n’t have any drinking habits.

pretty good.

There were wine glasses in front of several people, and there was a small amount of red wine in the glasses.

While chatting, occasionally toasting and taking a sip is still very comfortable.

Han Zhuo Ling took a sip of wine, tasted it, and said, "Mom, did you bring the photos?"

"Oh, yes!" Du Yimin immediately got up, "Look at my memory, brought it, but forgot to take it out, you wait." Du Yimin went to the living room and took out three thick albums from his bag.

Shi Guanzhong and Shi Nancang looked at it, and said that no wonder she brought such a large bag today.

Shi Xiaoya didn't remember what he told Han Zhuo Ling last night about showing him photos, so she asked, "What album?"

Du Yimin handed the album to Han Zhuo Ling, and said, "Zhuo Ling wants to see your childhood photos. He called me this morning and brought me over."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

I was thinking that the next time I would go home with Han Zhuo Ling, just show him by the way.

Who knew that he couldn't wait, and let Du Yichen bring it directly.

Han Zhuo Ling took the album and heard Du Yichen said: "These three books are all Xiaoya and no one else. This is only part of it. I took a lot of pictures of her for each age, so I chose three Books, from kindergarten to high school. "

Although there was nothing she couldn't see when she was a child, she wasn't ready for it. Suddenly she was embarrassed when she suddenly showed Han Zhuoling her stupid appearance.

Han Zhuoling opened the top one.

(End of this chapter)

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