The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2069: Who are three

Chapter 2069: Who Is Three

Don't look at Xia Yixin telling people everywhere that divorce is the responsibility of Han Zhuo Ling.

But no one believed her.

She was happy to say that people would listen, and it would be right to listen.

Therefore, Xia Yixin now particularly needs to take an opportunity to change her status quo.

Now Shi Xiaoya is the opportunity for Xia Yixin.

Xia Yixin is now loudly slandering Poem Xiaoya as Primary Three.

Different from the routine of middle-aged women before.

Rather, Shi Xiaoya had a leg with Han Zhuoling because she destroyed Han Zhuoling and Xia Yixin's marriage.

Not only spilled Shi Xiaoya's dirty water, but also turned her eyes to Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Before Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya's relationship was exposed, everyone was equally concerned.

But the point of concern is because Han Zhuo Ling finally had a new relationship after the divorce.

She is very fond of Shi Xiaoya.

So everyone came to see Xia Yixin's joke.

Want to see if Xia Yixin regretted it.

Seeing her ex-husband who was "like a robot" in her mouth, she said that her ex-husband had treated her with such coldness.

But now she is extremely supportive of Shi Xiaoya.

I heard a long time ago that even if Shi Xiaoya was a makeup artist in "Survivor", even if Han Zhuo Ling was not a guest of "Survivor" in that period, she would follow Shi Xiaoya to the show group.

What did it look like?

It's so slimy that it doesn't even care about work.

If this was before, when did Han Zhuoling quit his job for whom?

The result was for Shi Xiaoya, and Han Zhuo Ling was no longer a workaholic.

The difference before and after this is too great.

Can Xia Yixin not be angry?

So everyone is waiting to see Xia Yixin's response.

Xia Yixin not only wanted to get rid of her derailed scandal and shift her eyes, but she also spilled dirty water on Shi Xiaoya.

However, she was also bold.

Knowing that now Han Zhuoling was protecting Shi Xiaoya, whether she would be at the end, but at least for now, Shi Xiaoya could not touch it.

It was when the paint was like paint, Xia Yixin dared to find Shi Xiaoya's trouble.

Because everyone heard Xia Yixin's words, they all came over.

Including Yu Mingshu also came over.

"What's going on? Who is Shi Xiaoya three?" Yu Mingshu asked.

The person next to her shook her head. "It's hard to say, that Xia Yixin is Han Zhuoling's ex-wife, and her character and style are not very good. What she said can't be believed, it's better to keep a reservation."

"A while ago, Han Zhuo Ling had just opened a relationship with Shi Xiaoya. At that time, Han Zhuo Ling had divorced Xia Yixin for a long time. Shi Xiaoya had a good reputation in the circle and never had any bad things. Instead, Xia Yixin went everywhere after the divorce Say bad things about Han Zhuo Ling. "

"Now that I know that Han Zhuo Ling is with Shi Xiaoya, I can't guarantee that she will not discredit Shi Xiaoya because she is angry."

"It seems that Xia Yixin's character is not good." Yu Mingshu said, "Shi Xiaoya has a good reputation."

Otherwise, no one would help Shi Xiaoya speak.

The person next to him smiled, "Xia Yixin's character is really bad."

Because Yu Mingshu was not in the country before, even if he wanted to return to his country for development and pay attention to the domestic entertainment industry.

But the focus is also on the situation and direction.

She didn't know much about such gossip.

However, there is such a rational analysis.

However, some people think that Xia Yixin may not be false.

Otherwise, how could Han Zhuoli suddenly announce a relationship with Shi Xiaoya?

So sleepy, I ca n’t hold on today, and there are three more. I will get up early in the morning and finish writing.

Ask for a monthly pass before going to bed ~

(End of this chapter)

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