The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2070: Under investigation

Chapter 2070 Under Investigation

A person as slow and hot as Han Zhuo Ling, can start a new love relationship here, and so petite Xiaoya?

Maybe the two are really together for a long time.

For a time, many people had different guesses about Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Xiaoya, and Xia Yixin.

Xia Yixin smiled proudly, "Shi Xiaoya, you will never be my opponent."

Who knows, just after saying this, I heard a cold voice, "Ms. Xia Yixin."

Xia Yixin turned her head fiercely, and the other guests present also watched over.

I saw several policemen coming in while still wearing police uniforms.

Xia Yixin's heart jumped, and suddenly she was nervous.

"Now you are suspected of instigating slander, seriously damaging the reputation of others, and buying others." The police chief said, "Trouble go to the police station with us for investigation."

Shi Xiaoya really knew all the policemen who came here.

It was the police officer at the police station where she and Han Zhuo Ling called the police last time.

The police who came here certainly recognized Shi Xiaoya.

But now that it is performing its official duties, we cannot just say hello.

Otherwise, people may think that they have something to do with Shi Xiaoya, which is not fair law enforcement.

When Xia Yixin panicked and the police spoke, Xia Yixin subconsciously thought of the trouble of buying the middle-aged woman to find Shi Xiaoya.

She took two steps back and hid behind Ceng Mengqing.

Will not.

So a little bit, still need to alarm the police to catch her?

However, it is not always possible because she just slandered Shi Xiaoya as Xiaosan. The police came immediately?

Not so fast.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand! Are you looking for the wrong person!" Xia Yixin said behind Ceng Mengqing.

When Cen Mengqing saw Xia Yixin's reaction, what else did she not understand?

She knew exactly how her daughter would react under any circumstances.

So she took a step forward and completely blocked Xia Yixin, "You suddenly came to arrest someone, but we don't know what happened. There must be a misunderstanding."

"Are there any misunderstandings? Go to the bureau and talk slowly, you can always make it clear." The policeman said coldly.

"Wait!" Cen Mengqing still prevented them from catching people. "You can't just take people away like this! You must have made a mistake, come to arrest people without finding out!"

"Even if I went to the bureau to make things clear, I learned that it was a misunderstanding. But you took my daughter away on the spot. My daughter's reputation has been damaged. Who will compensate for this loss?" Cen Mengqing said.

The policeman said in a cold voice: "You are preventing the police from handling the case, and we can detain you back to the police station together."

Cen Mengqing ignored this one.

The police waved, "Take it away!"

The police behind came forward, Xia Yixin had not responded yet, and there was a cold on her wrist.

Once again, the handcuffs were already on her wrist.

In her life, she has worn millions of watches and jewelry, but she has never worn handcuffs.

Xia Yixin panicked. "Mom, what should I do? Mom!"

What else can Cen Mengqing say?

Can only follow Xia Yixin.

The guests at the scene were very aggressive.

Just now Xia Yixin said that Shi Xiaoya was Xiaosaner.

Although they are not sure about this melon.

After all, everyone doesn't believe in Xia Yixin's character.

However, it is still possible to see the liveliness, and I feel that it is not accurate.

There are 2 more ~

(End of this chapter)

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