The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2072: Who said coincidence?

Chapter 2072 Who Said Coincidence?

"It may also be that I didn't know in advance, just because Shi Xiaoya would be disadvantaged here, so she came to her town specially."

"Anyway, Han Zhuo Ling is really ... meticulous enough for Shi Xiaoya."

After all, Han Zhuo Ling did this for Shi Xiaoya, he had never done it before!

They all made exceptions for Shi Xiaoya alone.

Shi Xiaoya hurried to Han Zhuoling.

She remembered that Han Zhuo Ling had said that she would not attend the party tonight.

"Why are you here?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

"Come here to pick you up." Han Zhuo Ling took Shi Xiaoya's hand.

Shi Xiaoya smiled and asked, "Have you brought the invitation?"

"No." Han Zhuo Ling pointed to himself, "My face is an invitation."

That's arrogant.

However, it is true.

Shi Xiaoya couldn't help laughing, "That's right."

"Are you all busy?" Han Zhuo Ling asked.

"Well, you can go." Shi Xiaoya said.

So they went outside.

From Han Zhuo Ling, the eyes of the audience were on him and Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya naturally also felt.

But she was not affected at all, and she was still generous.

Smart people can see it, just point at this, I am afraid that Shi Xiaoya is not an ordinary person.

How many people can keep their faces intact in such a situation without any discomfort?

Even their entertainers are used to the gaze, but they will still be nervous at the beginning.

But Shi Xiaoya seemed to have no such emotion at all and was completely used to it.

What scenes have you seen before to be so used to it?

Smart people have thought of something.

And the organizer?

When I saw Han Zhuoling, I was quite happy to see if I could keep him.

As a result, they came to pick up his girlfriend.

Everyone came in the meeting place, but as soon as they picked up their girlfriend, they left without any plans to stay.

One by one was dumbfounded.

Han Zhuo Ling didn't care about this, and no one took Shi Xiaoya away from the venue.

It was probably his aura that made people who wanted to stay with him, or talk to him, didn't move forward.

So along the way, Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya walked unhindered.

"I just saw Xia Yixin being taken away by the police." Han Zhuo Ling said after leaving the meeting.

"Yeah, what a coincidence," Shi Xiaoya said, "I didn't expect Xia Yixin to be here."

Shi Xiaoya said: "She also planned to slander me into your marriage just now. In front of so many people, she said loudly that I was a primary three. I guess she wanted to wash herself white and take the opportunity to spill me dirty again water."

"But it was a coincidence that she had just smeared me about this, and the police came and said she slandered and took her away." Shi Xiaoya said.

"If the police come late or don't come today. Even if Xia Yixin is talking about slander, some people will inevitably believe it." Shi Xiaoya said, "Anyway, there are few people who believe in good things and many people in bad things."

"Who said it was a coincidence?" Han Zhuo Ling smiled lightly.

Shi Xiaoya suddenly paused in surprise and looked up at him.

Eyes widened. "You called the police?"

Han Zhuo Ling shook his head. "The police did pass the clue yesterday and found that the main ambassador was Xia Yixin. They were going to arrest someone yesterday."

Han Zhuo Ling smiled lightly, "I just thought that today happens to be this charity party. As one of the directors of this charity brand, Cen Mengqing will definitely attend."

Today's 20 chapters are all ~

Again, shout for monthly pass ~~ Double pass for monthly pass, don't waste it ~

See you tonight ~

(End of this chapter)

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