The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2073: Don't even have your own face

Chapter 2073 Don't Even Want To Face

"Xia Yixin has been excluded from these large social circles since her divorce, and she has always wanted to rejoin. This charity evening, because of Cen Mengqing's relationship, she will certainly not miss this rally."

"Otherwise, she won't be invited to other dinners or the like. She can only use this opportunity to re-enter the social circle." Han Zhuo Ling said, "So, to make sure, I checked it again and learned that she It will indeed appear tonight, so let the police arrest tonight. "

"On such an important and large occasion, she managed to come back to participate, and she must attach great importance to it. Then tonight on such an important occasion, she was taken away by the police in a high profile in front of so many celebrities. And she was taken away I believe everyone already knows the reason. "

Shi Xiaoya nodded, "I do know everything."

It turned out to be Han Zhuoling.

She had previously forgotten about Xia Yixin.

It was probably too happy to be with Han Zhuo Ling, and there was nothing to worry about.

In fact, it was only two days after the middle-aged woman.

But Shi Xiaoya immediately forgot about it.

It was all Han Zhuo Ling who was too sweet to her, plus some trivia from the Han family and the poet, and these two days came together.

She also forgot to be busy.

However, Han Zhuo Ling frowned. "I knew that I should come with you."

When Shi Xiaoya was puzzled, she listened to Han Zhuoling, "I still overestimated Xia Yixin's bottom line. I thought there were so many people there, and even if she looked at her face, she wouldn't dare to bother you."

Han Zhuo Ling pursed her lips. "Who knows she doesn't even need her face."

Shi Xiaoya didn't think there was anything.

Han Zhuo Ling was so nervous about her that she was almost treated like a fragile doll.

But in fact, she was not so vulnerable.

Her combat effectiveness is quite strong.

But she also knew that it was because Han Zhuo Ling cared about her.

It has nothing to do with her fighting strength.

Even if she is more powerful, in his heart is still the most important, or she will be afraid of her loss.

Even if she fought with Wu Zha, Han Zhuo Ling was still afraid of her injury.

It's as powerful as Lu Man, but Han Zhuo Li still feels that his Lu Man is too bullying, for a reason.

Shi Xiaoya thinks that this advantage must be maintained!

Think of her as a public servant all her life.

Shi Xiaoya held Han Zhuoling's arm. "Don't worry so much. I'm not that weak. How can she not take me?"

Even without Han Zhuo Ling, she was not afraid.

Her family is not bullying.

Very confident.

Han Zhuoling laughed: "I know, but I'm still worried that you will lose money. It's because I don't think well."

Han Zhuo Ling frowned. "I will definitely pay attention to this kind of mistake."

For how to hurt her own woman, Han Zhuoling is constantly exploring and improving.

You can't do it best all at once.

But as he is now, Shi Xiaoya is already satisfied and cannot be satisfied anymore.

It is also because of the appearance of Han Zhuo Ling this time that it refreshed people's perception again.

It turned out that Han Zhuo Ling was so good to Shi Xiaoya!

Xia Yixin used to talk about how Han Zhuo Ling was not good and indifferent.

It was because of his disregard that their marriage failed.

But now, nothing at all!

People are good to Shi Xiaoya!

Therefore, everyone thought that Xia Yixin always said that Han Zhuoling ignored her, and it must also have her responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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