The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2074: Just say two bad words

Chapter 2074 Just Say Two Bad Words

Why doesn't Han Zhuoling ignore Shi Xiaoya and ignore her?

Besides, when talking about indifference, it was all Xia Yixin said.

No one knows what the marriage life was like at the time.

All are Xia Yixin's mouth.

As a result, what Xia Yixin said earlier, there were still one or two that I was a little convinced of.

As a result, no one believes it anymore.


Inside the police car, Xia Yixin was sitting in the back row.

Cen Mengqing naturally couldn't get in the police car, so he could only drive behind him.

At the police station, Cen Mengqing got out of the car and rushed in, just in the hall to catch up with Xia Yixin, who was about to be taken into the interrogation room.

"Yi Xin!" Cen Mengqing shouted, and hurried towards Xia Yixin.

Xia Yixin stopped, "Mom!"

She was a little panicked now too.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid." Cen Mengqing said, she glanced coldly at the police on both sides and shook her face.

"I've contacted our lawyer on the road," said Ceng Mengqing, "the lawyer will be here in a few moments. You don't have to say anything until the lawyer arrives."

Xia Yixin nodded.

Cen Mengqing's heart, "It's not a big deal, you can't do anything, don't worry."

"Okay." After listening to Cen Mengqing, Xia Yixin felt relieved.

Xia Yixin was taken into the interrogation room.

Sure enough, I listened to Cen Mengqing, no matter what the police asked.

She refused to say that she insisted on waiting for a lawyer.

Not long after, the lawyer hurried to arrive.

First talked with Xia Yixin separately.

Under the lawyer's question, in order to cooperate with the lawyer, Xia Yixin could find a way to solve the matter well, and had to be honest: "I did that thing, I let the middle-aged woman look for it. The trouble of Shi Xiaoya, intentionally said that Shi Xiaoya was contracted and raised by his husband. "

"Actually, the middle-aged woman was an ordinary woman on the street, because when I met her, she was scolding someone, which was very powerful. So I went to her, gave her some money, and let her find it. Shi Xiaoya's troubles. She scolded her for being Xiaosan. "

Xia Yixin pouted, "Is this so serious? Still slander?"

"Isn't it just talking bad things, pouring some dirty water? Those who make rumors online and make rumors all the time, haven't seen those people in trouble."

The lawyer was very tired. He said that Xia Zhancheng had such a mindless daughter.

"Then you go online all the time and don't know that you have to be sentenced for making rumors? It is a crime to repost more than five hundred on Weibo." The lawyer felt that he was talking too professionally and Xia Yixin couldn't understand it. He gave such an example directly.

Xia Yixin panicked. "If you defam, how do you judge it?"

"Under three years," said the lawyer.

Xia Yixin immediately hesitated in his heart, "So serious? I ... I never thought it would be so serious! This ... Isn't it the same as saying bad things about people? Just say two bad words and tell me?"

"Who called it this time, they're going to pursue you?" Said the lawyer. "The main thing is that the police still have a witness. The middle-aged woman you are looking for has become a police witness. Otherwise, how do you think the police found it? The clue caught you? "

"What do you do now?" Xia Yixin asked quickly, "You must help me and let me be fine! You can't let me go to jail!"

The lawyer himself has no idea yet.

After all, the person who wants to sue her is Shi Xiaoya, but who is behind Shi Xiaoya?

(End of this chapter)

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