The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2086: This is my sister

Chapter 2086: This Is My Sister

Here, Lu Man asked, "Xiaoya, you must have taken a lot of photos the day you graduated. Do you have any on your phone?"

"There are in the network disk." Shi Xiaoya said.

Using her mobile phone to log in to her cloud client, the folder named "Photos" was carefully classified by her.

One group wrote "Graduation Photos of His Majesty's College," and all the graduation photos from elementary school to high school were there.

She downloaded several graduation photos from elementary school to high school.

Lu Man asked Shi Xiaoya to forward it to Shi Nancang.

"Now you can go and say something." Lu Man said with a smile. "With these graduation photos of Xiaoya, open Xiaoya comes from the poet. It does n’t matter if you want to say anything.

Si Nancang immediately rolled up his sleeves, a stance that was going to do a big job, "OK."

He saved all the photos that Shi Xiaoya sent to him.

Seeing my sister ’s graduation photos from her previous school days, I could n’t help but feel, “Oh, in a blink of an eye, Xiaoya was so big. When you saw her in elementary school, she was still a little bean. Even after graduating from high school, she ’s still a What a girl looks like. "

Shi Nancang said, and looked at Han Zhuo Ling.

The face of his sister's tender grass was depressed by Han Zhuoling.

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

When is it? Her brother is still thinking about competing with Han Zhuo Ling.

"Brother." Shi Xiaoya reminded aloud.

"Okay." Shi Nancang lowered his head and started editing.

He finished writing and read it back and forth several times.

Modified some terms and made sure that there were no problems before sending it out.

Lu Man and others refreshed and saw a new post by Shi Nancang.

"@ 诗 小雅. This is my sister, not a cousin, not a cousin, not to mention a little sister (I'm afraid that some people will fall in love and think about it). This is my dear sister, the same father and mother 'S closest sister. It is our little girl who has grown up from a young age, and no one can bully. "

"To put it bluntly, with the financial resources of our poets, the little girl in our family needs to be a little kid to others. Three children, but also to give someone a bag. Keep? Just the fake man in the video, you can raise Is it up? In addition, I have attached my sister ’s graduation photos from childhood to graduation, all of which are from her Majesty ’s college, such as fake replacements. Those who make rumors are waiting to receive a letter from our poet ’s lawyer! ”

The picture below is Shi Xiaoya's graduation photo from elementary school to high school.

Si Nancang is also an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

After Shi Nancang finished sending, he went to his brother to help him forward it.

None of Shen Shi'an is a nameless person.

Everyone has their own fans on the Internet, so called "brother" and "husband" all day long.

I often surf the Internet, and I know them all.

Even if men are not very concerned, they don't know what they look like, they all know their names.

Shen Shi'an first came out and reposted Shi Nancang ’s words, "Haha, it's ridiculous that someone still uses this set to slander Xiaoya. As long as Xiaoya is willing, a lot of young talents will be chosen by her. In this video Stigma is too fake. "

Zhong Litao: "Those who make rumors must find out and not let go! Xiaoya is the one we saw since we were young. Like our sister, we cannot let her be bullied."

Chen Sibin: "Xiao Ya has never specifically mentioned her family, so Nan Cang has never mentioned it openly. Xiao Ya has a low profile and never bullies people in her own home, but this does not mean that she is bullied. No It means anyone can bully! "

There are two more, update 9.27 ~

(End of this chapter)

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