The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2087: Very illustrative

Chapter 2087 Explains The Problem

Dong Qingxing: "We all treat Xiaoya as a close sister. Bullying her means bullying our sister. It is said that she has been contracted and raised. This is the most ridiculous joke I have heard from birth to now."

Later, Lu Man sent another video through "Entertainment Eight Skins".

Still the video of the middle-aged woman going to make trouble with Xiaoya.

But this video is obviously longer.

This is the full version found by middle-aged women.

Looking at the video, Shi Xiaoya asked in surprise: "This is--"

"This is from Qin Zigou." Lu Man replied, "Qin Zigou contacted me on the road, and he felt that it was a fraud on the same day. How could this middle-aged woman come out in vain. So he let the assistant quiet A video was recorded. It ’s not the best, it means there is no trouble. But if you have trouble, you can take this video out. "

Some of the previous contents are the same as those handed over by Ceng Mengqing before.

But later, the video Cen Mengqing gave away.

In this video, Shi Xiaoya questioned the middle-aged woman and the words Qin Zigou said.

Let people see clearly.

Including Shi Xiaoya's methodical one by one pointed out that the fakes on the middle-aged woman, as well as her residence, were sent by her family.

Shi Xiaoya's tone is very calm, her voice is not high nor urgent.

But the calm tone seemed extremely imposing.

Suppressed the arrogance of the middle-aged woman just now.

Not just ordinary netizens are paying attention to this matter.

Even many entertainers in the entertainment industry are paying attention.

After all, Shi Xiaoya is not just that top makeup artist Shi Xiaoya, but also Han Zhuo Ling's girlfriend Shi Xiaoya.

There are many entertainers at the charity party tonight, and the party has just ended.

Sitting in the car, ready to see the beautiful photos after the studio's retouching, what are the reactions of netizens.

As a result, when I went online, I saw that the hot search that had been scheduled for tonight was crowded out.

It was originally they who participated in the charity evening.

Still others prepared for a long time, intending to win by paragraph.

It turned out that no one wants to go up tonight.

All the hot searches on the Internet were taken up by Shi Xiaoya.

Tonight's charity party was originally intended to increase its own exposure and failed.

Even Yu Mingshu, one of the biggest people at night, was drowned in Shi Xiaoya's search.

They were curious now, what happened to Shi Xiaoya suddenly? With such a great skill, they searched hard for the heat.

Everyone remembers that before the party began, Xia Yixin went to Shi Xiaoya for trouble.

I wondered if it was related to this.

When I saw the beginning and end of things, and then saw the video, then I realized.

I couldn't help thinking, no wonder that when Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuoling were together before, they were so attracted but calmed down, as if they were used to big scenes.

It turns out that people are really used to big scenes.

Netizens have also seen this video from Lu Manxin.

"It turns out that Shi Xiaoya and Cris are young. It has been said that Cris's origins are not ordinary, but no one can find out how. But the same, this explains the problem. If you ca n’t find any, you can It ’s terrible to be born. Being able to talk to Cris is small, and it ’s very clear. ”

"I can see at a glance that all middle-aged women are fakes, and their eyes are very spicy. At first glance, they have been in contact and have been used to it."

(End of this chapter)

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