The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2102: But it comes at a price

Chapter 2102

Itchy, with a tingling sensation.

Shi Xiaoya saw Han Zhuo Ling's earlobe red at a very fast rate.

Such a mature and sophisticated man even secretly turned his ears red.

Shi Xiaoya discovered the novelty and blew a breath into his ear again.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the ears facing the tip of my nose were even more red, and the red ones were all bright, and I shook them.

If it weren't for Han Zhuo Ling, she thought she had been watching rabbits!

Shi Xiaoya sneered silently, and suddenly she bit the ear of Han Zhuoling.

Han Zhuoling shook the whole person and did not let Shi Xiaoya down, so she directly pressed Shi Xiaoya onto the bed.

This little girl is getting fatter!

"Tune. Play me?" Han Zhuo Ling asked, raising an eyebrow.

However, those eyes became deeper and thicker, and the cheeks became as drunk as red.

Shi Xiaoya wants to say that this is a joke.

But looking at Han Zhuoling's dangerous face, Shi Xiaoya thought that it might as well admit it was a tune.

Actually think about it, what I did just now seems to be a tune.

As a result, Shi Xiaoya didn't speak, and her clever right was the default.

Unexpectedly, Han Zhuo Ling lowered her head against her earlobe and whispered, "It's a price to tune a man at this time."

Shi Xiaoya suddenly persuaded, and developed a very bad hunch.

And this hunch came true.

Han Zhuo Ling this time, no matter how arrogant Shi Xiaoya is, whether it is coquettish, or soft and begging him, it is useless.

I tried my best to ask her.

Later, Shi Xiaoya's throat became dumb, and it was useless to stop him with a husky throat.

The man just hummed, and was very proud of hearing it.

As if to say, she is not his opponent at all!

Shi Xiaoya thought to herself that she would never tune in. It would be too expensive.


The Xia family is overcast.

Xia Zhancheng is a contact person to see if he can get Xia Yixin out and reconcile with Shi Xiaoya.

While looking for someone to go to Xia Yixin, he asked someone for Shi Xiaoya's contact information.

However, Shi Xiaoya is now Han Zhuo Ling's girlfriend. No one dare to reveal Shi Xiaoya's contact information easily.

After all, Xia Zhancheng is the father of Xia Yixin.

What is the relationship between Xia Yixin and Han Zhuoling?

That was his ex-wife.

Can Han Zhuoling's ex-wife have a better relationship with his current one?

Not to mention, Xia Yixin just had a quarrel with Shi Xiaoya on the Internet.

Can Han Zhuoling let Xia Yixin both talk, and Han Zhuoling just let the people all over the country see how he valued Shi Xiaoya.

At this juncture, no one dares to reveal Shi Xiaoya's contact information at this time.

Xia Zhancheng said he wanted to reconcile with Shi Xiaoya in private, but who knows what he really thought.

Xia Zhan's achievements do not understand, how to get Shi Xiaoya's contact information is so difficult.

He really wanted to reconcile with Shi Xiaoya, but it was different from Xia Yixin's threatening approach to reconciliation.

What conditions does Shi Xiaoya have, as long as he is reasonable, he will try to satisfy them.

But as a result, even a contact method is not available.

Xia Zhancheng was weird and asked the other party not to say.

Finally, someone couldn't bear it after seeing it, and said to him, "Lao Xia, it's not for you, but no one dares to give it now. Your wife and daughter have had such a big deal, and no one dares to write poetry Xiaoya's contact information is for you. "

There are 2 more, make up 2 9.09 owed 2 more ~

(End of this chapter)

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