The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2103: I can't beat

Chapter 2103 I Can't Beat

"It doesn't matter if I give it to you. If you really reconcile, it will be nothing," the other party said.

Xia Zhancheng frowned when he heard that, "I really reconcile."

"Yes, of course I believe in you. But your wife may not be sure." The other party said, "Go to Weibo to see. Your daughter has hired someone to slander Shi Xiaoya, who has been packaged. Now, Your daughter was found to be slanderous by your daughter. What happened? It is suspected that your wife released the video of slandering Shi Xiaoya at that time. "

Xia Zhancheng took a deep breath and almost choked into his throat, unable to spit it out.

Mother and daughter, how can there be no time to stop!

"Who knows, Shi Xiaoya is actually the poet's daughter." The other side said, "Don't say that it was your wife and daughter who couldn't think of it. Even we didn't expect it, Shi Xiaoya was too low-key."

"Poetist?" Xia Zhancheng frowned, with a bad feeling. "Which poet?"

"What else can it be," said the other party, "that is your opponent, that poet."

Xia Zhancheng really did not expect that Shi Xiaoya turned out to be a poet!

Although both are surnamed poems, let alone Xia Yixin and Cen Mengqing, even he did not think about the poet.

The Xia family and the poet have been facing each other for many years. In business, because there are competitive relationships in many industries, they have been fighting fiercely.

Disagreeable with each other, fighting each other for years.

Unexpectedly, Shi Guan was annoying, even his children were annoying!

Today, because the Xia family was beaten by the Han family, the poets have completely suppressed the Xia family in business.

As a result, even Shi Guanzhong's daughter came to Keng Xia's!

Now Xia Zhancheng has reacted, why the poet has risen so fast.

Even when Xia's family was ill while suppressing Xia's family, it is reasonable to say that Xia's family would not be so badly suppressed by poets.

But it makes sense now.

Shi Xiaoya was with Han Zhuo Ling, and the Han family provided convenience for the poets.

Isn't it easy for the poet to suppress Xia?

"Your daughter's doing this is tantamount to offending the Han family and the poet at the same time. So-" the other party was kind and did not say too directly.

Even if the Han family did not participate, it would be enough for a Xia family to be a poet.

The other party said, "You'd better go online first to find out the situation. I'll tell you about it. But the actual situation is more serious than I said."

After the other party spoke, Xia Zhancheng thanked him and hung up.

Just ready to go online to see what the other person said.

Cen Mengqing, the lawyer hired by Xia Yixin, who is also a lawyer of Xia family company, called Xia Zhancheng.

"Mr. Xia." The lawyer said, "Ms. Xia can't come out. If you go to court, the probability of losing is 90%. The only way you can work hard now is to see if you can minimize sentencing."

"However, I think it's difficult." The lawyer said very directly. "After all, Miss Xia offended Shi Xiaoya so hard. If Han Zhuo Ling asked a lawyer for Shi Xiaoya, I can't fight it."

"What about reconciliation?" Xia Zhancheng still held his last hope.

The lawyer shook his head and said, "It was a little bit possible before, but it's all gone now."

"When Miss Xia was brought into the police station, I told her and suggested that she find a way to reconcile. Lower her head with Shi Xiaoya and admit it was wrong." The lawyer said, "But it seems that Miss Xia intends to use what Threatening Shi Xiaoya, things are in the hands of Mrs. Xia. "

(End of this chapter)

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