The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2104: Reconciliation is impossible

Chapter 2104: Reconciliation Is Impossible

"I think Mrs. Xia should have already shot it." The lawyer said, "Tonight, a sudden crazy online poem Xiaoya was once contracted and raised. But then a publicist named Lu Chao came out to apologize and said yes It was commissioned to do so. Now he has pointed his finger at Mrs. Xia. "

"So now, reconciliation is impossible," the lawyer said.

Xia Zhancheng gritted his teeth tightly. Now he doesn't know much about the matter, so he can't say anything.

But just listening to the words of the lawyer and the friend just now, this time Cen Mengqing and Xia Yixin made a little bigger.

"I see. I'll get to know the situation first." Xia Zhancheng finished and hung up.

Immediately went online to see what Xia Yixin and Cen Mengqing did.

It was just that he didn't expect that the Internet would be so big.

He didn't even need to take the initiative to search, as soon as he opened the homepage, it was all these news.

There was even a statement from Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling didn't even need to save his face, and he directly talked about Xia Yixin's derailment, even the thing that the child was not his previous.

Right now, Xia Yixin is scolding online.

No one regrets Xia Yixin.

Some even said that Xia Yixin should go to jail, deserve it!

Because of Xia Yixin, even the Xia family scolded him.

The more Xia Zhancheng looked at, the more ugly his face became.

Cen Mengqing hid in the bedroom and also saw the development of the online situation.

Now it's overwhelming.

Cen Mengqing was panicked. The development of the situation was beyond her control.

Moreover, she didn't dare to think about how angry she would be if Xia Zhancheng knew about it.

Xia Zhancheng had solemnly warned her before, and she was not allowed to mess around.

But she didn't listen.

Because she watched this video before giving it to Lu Chao.

Although the lawyer told her that this middle-aged woman was Xia Yixin, she had deliberately poured dirty water on Shi Xiaoya.

But because of more specific things, such as the fact that the video is incomplete at all, lawyers simply don't know.

Xia Yixin just explained how she found this middle-aged woman, and how stigmatizing Shi Xiaoya.

Video content, Xia Yixin consciously is not important.

Therefore, Cen Mengqing was also pitted by Xia Yixin.

She has been constantly refreshing the Internet.

When seeing another more complete video, Cen Mengqing was also embarrassed.

Then she knew that she was also pitted by Xia Yixin!

Cen Mengqing had no regrets at this time. If she knew it, she should listen to Xia Zhancheng.

Let Xia Zhancheng think of a way to get Xia Yixin out.

Why do you have to bet on that breath and go to Shi Xiaoya for trouble.

She really did not like Shi Xiaoya in her own mind, even dare to be with Han Zhuo Ling.

And not stubbornly treating Xia Yixin, it was abominable!

Therefore, I also want to teach Shi Xiaoya a lesson, even if it can directly ruin her.

Such people are not worthy of scenery.

So Xia Yixin hinted, and she did it immediately.

But she didn't expect Xia Yixin to be so pitted!

Now Cen Mengqing couldn't stop it.

How can there be such a pit father and a daughter.

She didn't just pit them as parents, she pitted the entire Xia family!

Doesn't Xia Yixin have a brain?

If Xia's family is bad, can she be okay?

Xia's family is good, she can be good.

8 is more complete. Today is the last day of the double pass for monthly tickets. The last day of voting has doubled the chance.

Good night ~~

(End of this chapter)

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