Reference 2105

It was possible to save her from prison.

Even if it is unavoidable, there are ways to make her as comfortable as possible in prison.

But if Xia's family is finished, who will give her some of these?

Who else can she rely on?

When she was doing these things, couldn't she think about it?

Cen Mengqing held her chest tightly and felt that she was breathing a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Ceng Mengqing was startled by a sudden "bang".

She stroked her chest and looked over, and saw that the bedroom door was pushed open and hit the wall stiffly.

Xia Zhancheng strode in from the outside, his face was very blue.

Ceng Mengqing stood up nervously, "Zhancheng ..."

Her voice was not very encouraging.

"Did I not tell you to leave this thing alone? What are you doing?" Xia Zhancheng seemed to have exhausted all his strength and slammed the phone on the bed.

The phone fell on the bed and flickered twice.

When stopped, the screen just turned up, revealing the page Xia Zhancheng was looking at.

The content displayed on the screen is exactly what Xia Yixin slandered Xiaoya, was disassembled, and was scolded by the entire Internet.

"Do you have to destroy Xia's family?" Xia Zhancheng asked angrily. "Xia Yixin has lived so many years in vain. She is not too young now, and she is still a child. child!"

"Don't have a good marriage with Han Zhuo Ling before. We have to make it to the point where we have to support it so hard to maintain it. If we are not careful, we all have to finish it!"

Xia Zhancheng's eyes were red. He was really tired.

Tired by two women at home.

"I have no black and white job, and I work hard to maintain the company so that you can continue to enjoy the luxury life of the past. But you? Let me do it!"

"Do you think life is too good and so comfortable, so do you think this life is easy and you can do whatever you want?"

"Xia Yixin had offended Han's family before, but since it has happened, I admit it. Whoever made it my own did not educate her daughter and raised her so stupidly. I did not educate her well , So being pitted by her is also a cause and effect cycle of mine. "

"I didn't ask her to be able to help the family with anything. At least do n’t stay in the pit. Now she ca n’t even reach such a simple request, she ca n’t do it. I have to kill all of our pits and die. Transparent, isn't it? "

"Forget it." Xia Zhancheng probably felt tired, too lazy to say more, and sighed with exhaustion. "I don't talk about Xia Yixin, she is like this now, and I have no hope of her at all. "

"The lawyer just called and Xia Yixin was going to lose the lawsuit. This is a matter of course. Moreover, the lawyer hired by Zhuo Han, our lawyer here is not an opponent. We can't fight it."

"With Han Zhuoling's temper, Xia Yixin must be sentenced to the heaviest." Xia Zhancheng said.

"So ... what then?" Cen Mengqing asked immediately.

Although she was also angry, how could Xia Yixin be so pitted.

But I ca n’t just watch my daughter go to jail!

Should a woman go to jail without being bullied to death?

Not to mention that Xia Yixin has never suffered since she was a child.

She must be offending in her bad temper.

(End of this chapter)

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