The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2106: There are so many things you didn't expect

Chapter 2106: There Are More Things You Didn't Expect

Those inside, who will endure Xia Yixin's stinking temper.

I don't know what method will be used to teach her.

I heard that there are many 龌. 龊 things that I dare not think about.

"What can I do? I can't control this child, I've done everything I can. This whole night, when you and Xia Yixin made a difference, I was contacting this and contacting that and wanted to get her out . "

"What happened? I was trying to save someone from the outside, but you were dragging me back. I had two legs in total, and you were dragging me one by one. I do n’t want to stay in place, you have to be dragged behind . "

Xia Zhancheng was extremely angry, "I cannot help Xia Yixin. If she goes to jail, I will not have this daughter. From then on, I will no longer care about her, even if she comes out of jail in the future, do not come back to me. "

"I ca n’t afford a daughter in such a pit family. I ca n’t afford anyone to leave."

"Zhancheng, don't say that, if you don't care about her, Yi Xin is really over!" Cen Mengqing said in a panic.

"I control it? I have to control it! How can I control it? Can I control her for a lifetime?" Xia Zhancheng was anxious. "How many times have I managed her before, and which time has she changed it! I managed it once, she The next time, she will get worse. She just feels that no matter what she does, someone will carry it for her, so she is unscrupulous.

Xia Zhancheng paused and said, "Moreover, even if I want to manage it now, not only because I am not Han Zhuo Ling's opponent, but also because our family is already insecure. Xia's family is about to end, how can I manage her? Our house is almost over, I ca n’t even manage our house, but also her? ”

"Zhancheng, don't scare me, how can this happen?" Cen Mengqing was perspired with cold sweat.

"How can you? How did you ask me, why didn't you ask yourself? How did I tell you before, you just don't listen, you have to provoke Shi Xiaoya. What could have been reconciled, but you All roads are blocked. "

"Xia Yixin can't get out, she is destined to go to jail, and you also have a credit for it." Xia Zhancheng spoke of excitement and spit, and he really wanted to quit.

Regardless of what will happen to his family, he is tired anyway.

With such a prodigal mother, he couldn't stand it.

There is a prodigal in the family, this family is going to finish, it is difficult to support, let alone their family has two!

Really lost blood mold for eight lives.

Cen Mengqing choked with a face and choked, "I didn't expect it, I don't know that this video is not complete. I didn't expect Yi Xin to lie to me. I thought this was a good opportunity to deal with Shi Xiaoya. Take advantage of this opportunity to reconcile Shi Xiaoya with Yi Xin, and that's all right. Who knows Yi Xin is so unreliable. "

"You didn't expect it." Xia Zhancheng asked angrily, "There are so many things you didn't think of! Everything reminds you of it, and our family won't be like this!"

"If you can think of it, you can educate Xia Yixin like this? If you can think of it, Xia Yixin will pit us and tear our face with the Han family? If you can think of it, Xia Yixin can lie to you?"

"I think I want to understand now." Xia Zhancheng smiled desolately. "Without Xia Yixin, our family can do well, there is nothing. It is the prodigal thing that ruined our home. It was just unexpected. One more you. "

(End of this chapter)

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