The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2108: You're not confused

Chapter 2108: You Are Not Confused

"Now we can't contact Han Zhuoling or Shi Xiaoya. How can we apologize to her?"

Cen Mengqing responded quickly at the moment, "What about the road? Tonight, Shi Xiaoya's thing is that Lu Man is giving her PR. We can contact Shi Xiaoya through Lu Man, or we can go to Shi Xiaoya's work. Wait for her, always see her. "

Xia Zhancheng finally felt that Cen Mengqing was much stronger than Xia Yi. At least when it was time to bow his head, Cen Mengqing bowed his head without hesitation. When it came to the end, Ceng Mengqing could put down his body and debase himself without a bottom line to achieve his goal.

Although not clever, at least it can be shameless. Now in this society, it is useless to have a face. Face is the least valuable thing. Xia Yixin is stupid.

Obviously her face is not worth much, but she doesn't care about it. She is stupid, not smart, but always thinks that she is clever. The clever things she does are actually stupid things.

Just as she dealt with Shi Xiaoya, she thought she was smart, but she still lost her money in the end. There was no such thing as Shi Xiaoya.

Xia Zhan grows a sigh of relief, "Your proposal is not bad. Tonight, it will not work. Tomorrow we will go to Shi Xiaoya's studio to find her. This time you remember, don't plead for Xia Yixin, Xia Yi her Reconciliation with him is impossible. "

Cen Mengqing froze, "Then ... then no matter Yixin?"

"How else? We can't control it. If you still want to control her, then you can manage it yourself, but you don't jeopardize the family. Don't blame me for turning your back on you. If you dare to control Xia Yixin, we will divorce. In front of Shi Xiaoya, once the three words "Xia Yixin", believe it or not, even if you just bow your head and kneel, it is impossible to ask her for forgiveness. "

"Is Xia Yixin's home not enough? The only last chance you want to waste because of her? Don't say that it is impossible to use, even if it is really useful, Xia Yixin will not remember, and will not learn a lesson."

"Our family didn't directly hurt Shi Xiaoya, everything was made by Xia Yixin. So even if Shi Xiaoya was really angry, she wouldn't be so angry at our family. Her anger was mainly on Xia Yixin."

"As long as she let out her breath on Xia Yixin, it will naturally not deal with our family." Xia Zhancheng gave a meal, leaning over Cen Mengqing, "Do you still want to pay our family for Xia Yixin?" "

"I'm not scaring you. You can only choose one of Xia Yixin and our family. Which one do you choose?"

Cen Mengqing lowered her head and gritted her teeth. Xia Yixin was her daughter. How could she not bear it?

But compared to Xia Yixin, family is more important.

Cen Mengqing gritted his teeth, looked up and said to Xia Zhancheng, "Then ... let's take our Xia family first."

"I think Yixin can understand, after all, if our house is finished, Yixin really doesn't want to have a good life. As long as our house is still there is always hope."

Xia Zhancheng nodded with satisfaction. "You're not confused."


Coincidentally, the next day happened to be Monday, and Han Zhuo Ling drove Shi Xiaoya to the studio.

Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing also came to the building where Shi Xiaoya Studio was located early.

But because of the lesson of the middle-aged woman last time, the security guard at the door of the office building did not dare to put people in casually.

As long as people who are not working in the office in the office are blocked from entering.

(End of this chapter)

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