The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2109: act recklessly

Chapter 2109

If there is an appointment, the security will check with the company the other party has reserved.

Make sure to make an appointment, and then put the other party in after registering.

If there is no appointment, they will not be allowed to enter.

The last time a middle-aged woman came to the studio to find Shi Xiaoya, Qin Zigou not only lost his temper on the spot, but also made a big fire afterwards.

This made the security company very nervous, and the skin was tightened.

Coupled with the fact that there was such a mess on the Internet last night, Qin Zigou was afraid that the Xia family would come to trouble, and called the security company again to let them strengthen the security of office buildings.

From the person in charge, it was passed down layer by layer, and everyone was waiting.

Such strict security has been in place for quite some time, so when Xia Zhancheng and Chen Mengqing came in the morning, although they came early, they were unable to enter the office building.

The security guard has been stopped outside, no matter what Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing say, the security guard is hard and hard to eat.

Now that Han Zhuo Ling parked his car at the entrance of the office building, he saw Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing waiting anxiously.

Both faces were very unsightly. After a distance, Shi Xiaoya could see the shackles on Chen Mengqing's face.

At this time, Cen Mengqing and Xia Zhancheng have been looking on the side of the road.

Shi Xiaoya looked at Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuoling sneered at the corner of his mouth, "It seems that the two of them came to intercede, probably they can't contact us, they can only come to your studio to block people."

"Are you busy with work these days? Otherwise don't come here first, lest they be entangled."

Shi Xiaoya shook her head. "Sooner or later. They will come to me if they don't see me. They can't hide forever."

Han Zhuo Ling frowned slightly. "Tomorrow I will arrange some people at the door of the company. If Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing come over, they can stop them and make them unable to approach you."

But he didn't think it was a long-term solution.

Shi Xiaoya said, "Let's get off the bus first and see what they intend to do."

So the two got out of the car. As soon as Cen Mengqing saw them, he took Xia Zhancheng's arm and pulled him to meet him.

"Zhuo Ling, Miss Shi." Cen Mengqing's appellation looked very different.

When she was called Han Zhuo Ling, it was as if Han Zhuo Ling was still her son-in-law, as if Han Zhuo Ling was still close to Xia's family.

But when she came to Shi Xiaoya, she was a cold Miss Shi.

Shi Xiaoya is not angry, and she is not angry with such people.

Angry with Ceng Mengqing, it was because she was full and could not bear herself.

Shi Xiaoya just raised her eyebrows.

She thinks Ceng Mengqing is also very interesting. Since she is here to ask for help, she has such an attitude.

Moreover, he thought that he was Han Zhuoling's mother-in-law and had a good relationship with him.

Xiaoya didn't look at Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing, she just turned to look at Han Zhuo Ling, "Zuo Ling, your ex-mother-in-law still takes you as son-in-law.

Cen Mengqing did not expect that Shi Xiaoya even dared to speak to Han Zhuo Ling so.

Before Xia Yixin and Han Zhuoling were still in their marriage, Xia Yixin was obedient and obedient in front of Han Zhuoling. She did not speak carefully, but did not dare to play with her temper easily.

It can be said that it was deadly by Han Zhuo Ling.

How dare you speak in such a mocking tone.

It's just too brave to know how to die!

(End of this chapter)

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