The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2111: Make worse

Chapter 2111: Make It Worse

Anyway, he used to be his mother-in-law, but now he is unfamiliar in his mouth!

Han Zhuoling looked at Shi Xiaoya with a smile, "How about this?"

Shi Xiaoya smiled and nodded. "It's okay for you to do, not the best, but it's not good enough", "It's not bad."

Shi Xiaoya replied this, putting Cen Mengqing back and forth.

But Han Zhuoling just ate her.

There is no dissatisfaction with her, but she laughs like a fool!

This is probably the first time Cen Mengqing saw Han Zhuoling as a fool!

These two people are acting in front of her on purpose!

Intentionally angered her here!

She never believed that Han Zhuo Ling was so special to Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya said that he would not be angry.

No one like that!

Xia Zhancheng said, "Mr. Han."

Even Xia Zhancheng felt so uncomfortable.

Obviously he was his son-in-law, but now he will be called Mr. Han.

Anyway, he couldn't call the word "Ling Shao" when killed.

These two words, when called out, mean that you are in a lower position than Han Zhuo Ling.

Anyway, he is Han Zhuoling's elder!

Even now that Han Zhuo Ling and Xia Yixin are divorced, anyway, he has also been Han Zhuo Ling's father-in-law!

Anyway, Xia Zhancheng couldn't call the word "Ling Shao".

"Can you give us some time, let's have a good talk?" Xia Zhancheng said, "I see there is a good cafe next to us, let's go in and talk. I know that my wife and daughter have caused a lot of trouble for Miss Shi .This time we are here to sincerely apologize. I am not the two of them either. I came with sincerity. I hope to get the forgiveness of Miss Shi and we will reconcile. "

Han Zhuo Ling frowned and did not answer him immediately.

Instead, he turned to Shi Xiaoya and said, "You go up first?"

"Okay." Shi Xiaoya nodded smartly.

Did not compete with Han Zhuo Ling at all.

Anyway, Han Zhuoling also wanted to protect her and didn't want her to be entangled in Xia Zhancheng and Cen Manqing.

Shi Xiaoya did not want to face them both.

"Wait a minute!" Xia Zhancheng busy said, "We are here to apologize to Miss Shi, and sincerely hope that Miss Shi can forgive me. I also hope that Miss Shi has any ideas and can speak up. Moreover, we also want to make up as much as possible to express Our apologies. "

Xia Zhancheng did his best to show his sincerity, "I don't know what their mother and daughter did. If I knew it, I would stop it. I know it's too late to say now, their wrong has already been committed. Off. "

"But I am not here to plead for Xia Yixin." Xia Zhancheng said.

Hearing that he changed his name, shouting at Xia Yixin with his name and surname was like calling an outsider who had nothing to do with him.

Shi Xiaoya couldn't help but be surprised, she said that Xia Zhancheng would not want to give up Xia Yixin.

Sure enough, I heard Xia Zhancheng say, "Xia Yixin has been asking you for trouble all the time. You must teach her a lesson, otherwise she won't give up if she doesn't know what it means to be afraid."

"Do n’t you think I ’m cruel, not even my own daughter." Xia Zhancheng smiled wryly, "I am really scared by her. She is now my age, and I ca n’t teach her well. Teach her too Can't listen. "

"If she can listen, she won't pit her home until now. I'm really scared. Since I can't teach it well, let others teach it. It's better to keep her again and again, and then she will continue Time and again, the pit home is getting worse. "

(End of this chapter)

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