The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2112: Underestimate Shi Xiaoya

Chapter 2112 Underestimated Shi Xiaoya

"Thinking that you can protect her at home, you feel great and dare to do anything." Xia Zhancheng said, "This is a good lesson for her. And, I really can't save her. Just ask, you will Can I save her? No. I know, she's done too much. Let her settle for a few years. "

"So, I'm not here to woo Xia Yixin." Xia Zhancheng said.

"But Xia Yixin did it wrong, it was her business, she was punished, it was also her business. She was punished, it doesn't mean we can do nothing. I still have to come to get Miss Shi's forgiveness."

Han Zhuo Ling said that Xia Zhancheng was really a matter of time, a man who could flex and stretch, and was very decisive.

The daughter said he would leave it alone, and let Xia Yixin go to jail.

Throwing Xia Yixin into jail was no different from not wanting her daughter.

Thinking that he had divorced Xia Yixin, Xia Zhancheng's first reaction after learning was that he took Cen Mengqing to the old house to admit his mistake.

Instead of pleading to Xia Yixin.

Every decision Xia Zhancheng makes is based on the interests of his Xia family.

As long as the interests of Xia family are threatened, no matter who it is, he seems to be able to give up.

Today is Xia Yixin, and tomorrow is probably Cen Mengqing.

Everyone, including Shi Xiaoya, knows exactly why Xia Zhancheng came to Shi Xiaoya to reconcile and get her forgiveness.

I was afraid that Han Zhuo Ling would anger his company and continue to suppress the Xia family.

Of course, Xia Zhancheng did not guess wrong.

But Xia Zhancheng probably thought she was stupid and sweet, so confused.

Xia Zhancheng can forgive Xia's family by saying a few nice soft words.

By the way help him plead with Han Zhuo Ling.

Shi Xiaoya smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, I forgive you. In this case, will it be all right? Then I will go to work first."

Xia Zhancheng had a happy face, but in his heart, he felt that Shi Xiaoya agreed too much.

They did not embarrass them at all.

This is different from what he had expected in advance.

Even if Xia Zhancheng wanted to be more beautiful, he felt that it was not so easy to solve.

Therefore, he asked tentatively: "So ... shall we be clear about this matter? Will Mr. Han not be angry with Xia's house?"

Shi Xiaoya looked at Han Zhuo Ling.

She knows that Han Zhuo Ling does not intend to let go of the Xia family.

Otherwise Xia Yixin went in and there was Cen Mengqing.

As long as the Xia family is not finished, the mother and daughter always feel confident and will definitely continue to be demon.

Shi Xiaoya said, "I don't know about this. It's better for you to talk to Zhuo Ling about this kind of work."

Later, Shi Xiaoya said to Han Zhuo Ling, "Then I will go first."

Xia Zhancheng heard, this is not right!

The party in this matter is Shi Xiaoya.

This happened because of Shi Xiaoya, how did he talk to Han Zhuo Ling.

Shi Xiaoya picked herself up as if it weren't her business.

But is this a business matter?

This is personal hatred!

If it wasn't for Xia Yixin's provoking Shi Xiaoya, would Han Zhuo Ling use the Xia family to operate?

Now Shi Xiaoya doesn't care about her, so she picks herself out.

It seems that he really underestimated Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya looked as if she didn't understand anything. She was silly and sweet.

Who knows how to be so savvy, no wonder Xia Yixin is not her opponent.

Every time I go to find trouble with Shi Xiaoya, she is bullied enough by Shi Xiaoya.

8 is more complete, all the updates owed last month are filled up ~

It's finally time to rest ~~

Find a wave of monthly tickets ~~

Good night ~~

(End of this chapter)

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