The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2120: fall down

Chapter 2120: Down

As soon as this word came out, everyone directly caught her.

"After you go out, are there any good ones for us, we don't know yet." The boss in the female prisoner said, "But now that you are still here, I know that there are good ones for you."

So on the first day he came in, Xia Yixin was taken aback.

So the next day, Xia Yixin was beaten like three meals.

The food in the prison must be bad.

Every morning a bowl of sparse porridge of porridge and a bun, add a little pickle.

At noon and in the evening, steamed buns and boiled vegetables are mostly cabbage. Most of them are meatless and seasoned, which is particularly difficult to swallow.

Some people often bring in some food at home to supplement them.

I usually do n’t look at the big red sausage and starchy ham sausage when I look outside. At this moment, it becomes citron. I do n’t want to eat it every day. Solution.

But Xia Yixin was here, but no one gave it to her.

Some inmates have a bad relationship with their families, and no family members come to send them.

But they can earn some money by working in jail.

But Xia Yixin just came in, how can I get a salary?

You can't buy it.

In this way, there are still people who grab the cabbage every day.

Sometimes she was even taken away and not eaten.

Xia Yixin felt that she was going to be tortured crazy.

Why didn't Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing want to get her out.

When being beaten up at the moment, the prison guards rushed away separated.

When Xia Yixin was lifted up, she heard the guard say, "Xia Yixin, your mother has come to see you."

Xia Yixin laughed as soon as she was happy, and almost cried.

"There must be a way for my mother to let me go out!" Xia Yixin said excitedly.

When she was busy walking outside with the prison guards, when she was at the door, she turned back and said fiercely to those people, "You hit me, I remember, you wait for me!"

"Oh!" The boss in this group didn't take her threats to heart at all, sat down at the table, raised one leg, pointed at Xia Yixin, "You broke your pit for your family, your parents Still thinking about saving you? "

"I've seen pit fathers and pit moms. I haven't seen one that's as big as your pits. Your father and mother have you such a prodigal thing, but it's been blood mold for eight lives." The old man said sarcastically.

Anyway, her house was originally an ordinary family, and she couldn't make it.

Even though she came to jail, she didn't really hang out at home.

"That's it, can your parents come to save you?" The boss "haha" laughed out loud. "If I have such a prodigal thing for you, I won't save it!"

Xia Yixin has not yet known about her bankruptcy.

They have a fixed time to watch the news.

But that news is the central news on TV. So many things happen across the country, where would anyone mention such things as bankruptcy.

The rest, of course, have channels to know what's going on outside.

It's just that Xia Yixin doesn't know.

Now hearing the words of the boss, Xia Yixin's expression changed suddenly, disbelief: "Nonsense! You nonsense! How could my family go bankrupt!"

"If your family isn't broke, would you be here?" The boss sneered, "Anyway, you. Mom is here too, just ask if you ask."

"Come on," the guard urged.

Xia Yixin followed the prison guard with a look of disbelief.

Came out to see Cen Mengqing, Xia Yixin hurriedly sat opposite her.

(End of this chapter)

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