The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2121: How can such a hard heart

Chapter 2121: How Can Such A Cruel Heart

Cen Mengqing saw that Xia Yixin's face was bruised.

Some are new scars, but some bruises have been apparent for a while.

"Why are you being beaten like this? Bullied in it?" It was her own daughter.

Even if there was resentment in her heart, she really felt uncomfortable seeing her like this.

Xia Yixin really suffered a serious sin this time.

Not only were the bruises on the face, but also the blisters from the fire in the corners of the mouth.

There are also bubbles in the mouth and white sores on the tongue.

Every day she is being bullied. She doesn't want to eat well, even if she doesn't even have enough to eat.

Xia Yixin took the opportunity to spit at Cen Mengqing, "Mom, I can't live in it, I'm surrounded by a group of people every day. You see, my hair is all pulled by them, I'm here They were bald. "

Xia Yixin lowered her head so Cen Mengqing could see clearly that she had a piece on her head, she was really bald, almost as big as a coin.

"I was beaten by them every day, and the old injury was not good, so I added a new one. What you see now is only my face, and the scars on my body." Xia Yixin said and cried. stand up.

"Eating steamed buns and cabbage every day, I don't even have a piece of meat. They just don't let me eat them, they all pour me. I can't even eat enough."

Cen Mengqing noticed that Xia Yixin was indeed thin.

And not only was she thin, but her face was also deeply wrinkled, almost catching up with her.

Xia Yixin's complexion was not good either.

"This ... why are they hitting you and bullying you?" Cen Mengqing also anxiously.

"Mom, you and your dad will find a way to get me out. Before you go out, transfer me to a single cell." Xia Yixin said, "Why are you so slow and don't get me out?"

Ceng Mengqing had some distress at first, but when she heard her words, her heart was cold again.

"Can't get out." Cen Mengqing's face was dim. "Our family is bankrupt. We have no money or contacts to help you."

Xia Yixin just felt that her head exploded.

"No, it's impossible!" Xia Yixin refused to accept the result. "You lie to me, you all lie to me!"

When the boss said just now, she was shaken in her heart, but she still didn't believe it.

It's not that she doesn't believe the boss or has more confidence in her own home.

But she couldn't believe it.

Once she believed and became true, she really had no hope at all.

At least not believe it, there is a little hope in my heart, there is hope to go out.

But now, Cen Mengqing broke her last hope.

"Don't you want to save me?" Xia Yixin slapped her chest with her hands. "I'm your daughter! You don't even want to save me!"

"How can you be so cruel!" Xia Yixin exasperated.

She is really a day, she doesn't want to be here for a second.

When I thought of coming to see Ceng Mengqing, she could hardly breathe, but she would go crazy again when she had to go back there.

"You are happy outside, but don't care if I live or die!" Xia Yixin shouted, "Is there anyone like you ?!"

Ceng Mengqing's face sank suddenly and looked at her in disappointment. "That's how you think about us? The goods you broke in should deserve to clean up the mess for you. Shouldn't you be punished properly?"

(End of this chapter)

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