The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2123: Keep going


"Our family can't afford expensive lawyers right now," said Cen Mengqing, "the family has mortgaged everything that can be mortgaged. Now I and your dad are still thinking about how to survive."

"So--" Cen Mengqing took a deep breath and spit it out again. "If you think about it, you will slowly reach the end of your sentence. I have inquired that if you perform well in prison, you can reduce your sentence. Come out early. "

It's just that Han Zhuo Ling will allow it, so I don't know.

But this can at least give Xia Yixin a hope, can support her to survive here.

"You said it simple!" Xia Yixin collapsed, it really collapsed.

When Cen Mengqing said this, she knew that she really had no hope at all.

The family was really broke and no one could help her.

"Even if it is bankrupt, you are at least outside and still free!" Xia Yixin collapsed and shouted, "Unlike me, stay in this ghost place and suffer every day! Look at me! Look at me now!"

Xia Yixin pointed at the scars on her face, shouted with excitement, and spit flying.

"How do you keep me in there? I will die if I continue to do so!" Xia Yixin shouted, "Did you just watch me die in it?"

Cen Mengqing's eyes were reddened by Xia Yixin, but she couldn't bear it anyway.

"What can you do? Even if you shout at me, I can't save you from coming out." Cen Mengqing wiped out the tears that flowed out, "You were sentenced to three years."

With Han Zhuoling, Xia Yixin was sentenced to the worst without surprise.

"Actually, three years passed in a flash." Cen Mengqing said, "Look, how fast we have been year after year."

"People are outside, free and comfortable. Of course, I think time flies!" Xia Yixin gritted her teeth and said, "But here I am, it is better to die than to live and live like the year. How can I feel that time passes fast? "

When she opened her eyes and closed her eyes, time passed.

But the opposite is true.

Opening my eyes every day is tormenting. Every day when I go to sleep with the lights off, I feel that I finally endure a day.

Yeah, every day, it ’s all boiled!

The guard came over to remind him that the visiting time had passed.

Ceng Mengqing stood up, she sighed, and said, "Yi Xin, here, no one will get used to you and tolerate your temper. Your original young lady's temper should be collected. Otherwise, it's a loss still you."

"I can think of how your full body injury came from. It must be that you are proud and offended. Here, you have to be a grandson. This is not a place where you can play with your temper." Ceng Mengqing said, " In order for you to live a more comfortable life in the future, you should confess your mistakes, and make them low and low. "

"Whether you are outside or inside, if you are not an opponent, you can only bow your head." Cen Mengqing said, "The same is true of Shi Xiaoya. When you were arrested at the police station, the lawyer advised you to reconcile. With Shi Xiao Ya bowed your head, but you do n’t, you are doing it. But what happened? As a result, you came in. "

"If you bow your head at that time, Shi Xiaoya may not forgive you. But at least half of you may not be like this." Cen Mengqing gave Xia Yixin a meaningful look. "So, for your own good, for the sake of being able to Survive better. This temper, you change it. We are outside and can't help you. "

(End of this chapter)

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