The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2124: Have

Chapter 2124

"If our family is okay, even if the lawsuit cannot be won, it will at least make your life as easy as possible." Cen Mengqing sighed, "But now, there is really no way."

"Outside, we can't help you, you take good care of yourself inside. You have to remember that you are no longer a young lady. If you are outside now, you are just an ordinary person. But you are here, but in At the lowest level, anyone can bully you. "

"Take care of yourself." Cen Mengqing finished, and left at the urging of the prison guard, and couldn't say more.

In fact, there is nothing to say.

All she could say, she already said.

Still have to see if Xia Yixin can figure it out.

If she can't figure it out, it's really hard for her to stick with it.

As soon as Cen Mengqing left, Xia Yixin suddenly fell on the table and cried and collapsed.

Cen Mengqing paused in the corridor and heard Xia Yixin's cry.

Her heart hurt, and she went away crying.

Xia Yixin really regrets it.

How could a good hand be played now?

What Cen Mengqing had said kept in her mind.

Cen Mengqing was right, she did what she did now.

If she didn't go the wrong way, if she didn't betray Han Zhuo Ling from the beginning.

So now, even if she and Han Zhuo Ling are not so happy, at least the material life is still satisfied.

She is so beautiful that she won't fall to where she is now.

From then on, she was wrong.

As a result, every step that followed was outrageous.

"Ah!" Xia Yixin cried.

It can really be said that the intestines are broken, not a bit exaggerated.

"Don't shout!" The guard said coldly, "Go back!"

"Ah!" Xia Yixin still cried regardless.

Holding her own chest, there is really no language to describe her remorse now.

The more I think about it, the more I realize how happy I was.

The more unacceptable the misery is now.

In the end, Xia Yixin was crying and dragged back by the prison guard.

Xia Yixin's whole person was crying like she had lost her mind.

Nothing but crying.

The prison guard dragged her away, and she left without resisting.

The prison guard took her back, and the boss laughed at Xia Yixin when he saw him like this, "It seems that she already knows the truth. This matter was hit crazy?"

The prison guard was shocked when he heard it.

Seeing Xia Yixin like this now, it really seems crazy.

The prison guard quickly contacted the doctor and asked the doctor to come and see.


At the beginning of Xia Yixin's situation in prison, someone would report to Han Zhuo Ling.

But Han Zhuoling was not interested.

She did not feel soft-hearted, could not bear her current end, and did not applaud her current end.

Because in his opinion, sending Xia Yixin to jail came to an end.

Xia Yixin's future, whether it is good or bad, has nothing to do with him, he does not care or interest.

In his life, Xia Yixin will never be so personal.


Xia's surname seems to be poisonous.

It wasn't just Xia's that also happened.

And the road home.

Xia Qingyang received a call from the director of the detective office, and the love man Lu Qiyuan raised outside, as well as the home he had set up outside, were found out.

Xia Qingyang is going to the office immediately.

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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