The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2136: Isn't this retribution?

Chapter 2136 Isn't This Retribution?

Lu Qi only said that she was a public figure, but did not say who she was.

Most of the people around here are middle-aged and upward, and they really don't know Lu Qi.

Even a young man, it is difficult to recognize her now.

She hasn't been active in mainstream media for a long time now, and she has fallen into shooting a few small costs, broadcasting online dramas and online movies without any splashes, and sometimes going to the point.

There are still many gaps between photogenic and real people.

Some look better than the lens, and some look less good.

Lu Qi, unfortunately, belongs to the latter.

Therefore, she did not name herself, and nobody really recognized her.

Moreover, even if she reported the name herself, everyone would have to think about it for a while, and she might not be able to react.

But most people were shocked by Lu Qi's words.

Although she didn't know her, she was unconscious.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted in the crowd: "Ha ha ha ha! Funny! I said watching you two so familiar, turned out to be Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi."

"You're so sorry to catch Xiao San'er! You. Mom wasn't just Xiao San's superior at that time, but she also snatched her own sister's husband, forced her to be seriously ill and was hospitalized. You have no money to treat the disease. You inherited you. Mom, robbed your sister's boyfriend, and now your fiance. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Just you, come to catch Primary Three! I see you this is the retribution! The man who was stolen from someone else is taken away by others now."

"Isn't this retribution? Hahaha! A man who can be robbed can be robbed. Because he can be grabbed by a shameless woman like you, that's not a good bird in itself!" The man said, "You can derail once and derail once, don't you think he's derailed again now?"

"Who!" Xia Qing was mad.

She attracted a lot of people to watch before, three levels inside and three levels outside.

It seemed that all the people who were okay and got up early here gathered.

This is to make Jiang Yujie shame.

I didn't expect to hurt myself now.

The person hiding in the crowd, she and Lu Qi could barely hear the direction of the sound from the crowd, but looking at it, they could not find out who said it.

Lu Qi and Xia Qingyang looked together and found no one.

At this time, the lively neighbours were talking about it because of that person's words.

"It turned out that she was the one who robbed her sister's husband. I said how to look familiar."

"I've seen it in Nanyin News before."

"Nanyin News?"

"Yeah, it's a piece of news-watching software on your mobile phone. You download it and push it to you every day. It looks good."

"It's her! It's true that their mother and daughter, both robbed her sister's man, is this still genetic?"

"What's wrong, there are so many men, you have to rob others, then you have to rob your sister. Your sister offended them?"

"This is too ridiculous. Whoever has such a sister is simply making evil."

Xia Yixin and Lu Qi were furious.

When I scolded Jiang Yujie, I didn't see them talk so much.

As a result, you are saying it to me, it's not over!

"So, people say it's retribution, it's true."

"Yeah, the man was robbed, but now the man is robbed. The man is not a good thing, so he looks for young and beautiful."

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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