The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2137: Deserve it

Chapter 2137: Deserve It

"Girl, your name is ... Lucy, isn't it? It seems that name, right?"

Said an aunt.

Lu Qi was so angry that she was a celebrity anyway.

As a result, the other party couldn't even remember her name.

"You, you have to be careful." Aunt said, "Look at you. Mom is a lesson from the past. Your dad abandoned the original match, not because of you. Mom is young and beautiful? The original match is handled at home, become a yellow face, no Well, he hated it. "

"As a result, now you see, he hates you again. Mom is old, not good-looking, and is looking for a younger one."

"You have to learn from it!" The aunt didn't know if she really persuaded Lu Qi, or deliberately **** her off. "You fiance, isn't it also stolen from your sister?"

"I remember, now you fiance, it seems that you dislike your sister to be petted, and it is not good to be with her, so I am with you, isn't it? I remember saying so in the news commentary. "Aunt is kind enough to keep up with the times.

"So, you have to pay attention too. Your dad is looking for a new one now, and you probably don't want to spoil it. If you don't get any benefit from you, your fiance might also abandon you." The person said, "Look, this is the unreliable man. You can **** it from someone else, and you can be snatched away. Such a man can do it well. You can't dare to **** it."

"Otherwise Lu Man and her mother are smart? You want to grab it? That's good for you, others will not."

"Yes, I heard that Lu Man's mother has remarried. The current husband is amazing. What piano master is here?"

"It's a violin master! And it's the world's number one violin master. I don't want to talk about these foreign objects, the key is that the current people are good to her."

"Why not the mother and daughter are smart? Also, good people have good rewards. Being bullied, God sees it in the eyes and will compensate you. Look at the others, but now they are big grandma. So big A big family! "

Everyone, you say a word to me, even turned to criticize Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi.

Xia Qing's blushing neck was thick and he pointed at them, "Are you wrong? This fox spy is not learning well at a young age. You don't even talk about her, but you say us?"

"Of course she did something wrong, but you did ..." The implication is that it is not a fun thing anyway and does not sympathize with any party.

Mother Jiang took the opportunity to say, "Hurry up! Otherwise, I'll call the police!"

"My child did something wrong, I went home and educated her well. It was because we didn't educate the child well that the child did something wrong! But you can't hit people!" Good bird.

But she did think so.

It was Jiang Yujie's fault that Jiang Yujie was a small child and destroyed other people's families.

There is nothing to say.

However, knowing the disgusting things Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi did before.

There is really no way to sympathize with them.

This is what happened to her daughter. She felt that her daughter had not been taught well. How could her daughter do this?

You can't be the same person because they are not good people.

But if she is a theater spectator now, she also has to say, they deserve it!

(End of this chapter)

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