The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2138: You can't tell the difference

Chapter 2138: You're Alright

The neighbours who watched you said me and said, "Okay, don't hit anyone. Her little girl did something wrong, and the family managed it and let her break up with your husband. What do you have to say? Say, don't hit anyone! "

"I have to persuade you that it is one thing to come to the little girl to settle accounts, and you have to take care of your husband when you go back. Without this little girl, there must be another young girl. Your husband is not a gentleman."

"You ... you ..." Xia Qing pointed at them in a gas, "you can't tell the difference!"

"If you don't leave, I will ask the police to solve it!" Jiang mother said at the opportunity.

How could Lu Qi get the police?

After hearing that, Xia Qingyang was rushed and winked at her.

Xia Qingyang just forget it.

Follow Lu Qi back to their car.

Xia Qingyang did not go in.

Instead, go to the trunk, open it, and take out a baseball bat from it.

When Xia Qingyang held the baseball bat, he went to Jiang Yujie's car.

"Isn't this the car that my husband sent you?" Xia Qingyang raised the baseball bat and slammed the windshield in front of him. "I let you drive!"

"More than two hundred thousand, I should feed the dog, but it can't be cheaper for you!" Xia Qingyang scolded while smashing the car.

Mother Jiang was holding Jiang Yujie, for fear she would stop.

One is bad, what should I do if I am directly smashed by Xia Qingyang?

Jiang Yujie didn't want to go either.

She wasn't interested in this car either, so she stayed with Jiang's mother and looked at Xia Qingyang's unusually hard work.

After Xia Qingyang smashed the windshield, he began to smash the front and rear windows.

Then, I smashed the side mirror.

She wanted to get rid of it directly, tried it, but failed.

The front cover was also smashed in a pit-by-pit.

Naturally, the doors on both sides were not spared.

It was determined that the car could not be driven, and Xia Qingyang left Lu Qi.

"I didn't expect there to be a mess! The one who said that we always thought it was intentional." Xia Qingyang said, "I haven't been able to punish the goblin properly this time! It's so unresolving!"

"Who said it?" Lu Qi said, "There is still a way."

Xia Qingyang immediately looked at her and asked, "What else can I do?"

"You beat her like this, her face is swollen, how else would she go to the company?" Lu Qi said, "Anyway, you come to her for troublesome things, she must tell her dad. Dad will know, that We have nothing to hide, we might as well make a preemptive move. "

"Now let's go directly to the company. If you haven't come to Jiang Yujie before, go to the company and let Jiang Yujie come out. As for the latter, it depends on the actual performance, you know." Lu Qi said.

Xia Qingyang was reminded by Lu Qi that Maoset opened.

Xin Xin said that his daughter was worthy of being able to **** He Zhengbai from Lu Man.

It's a pity, if we can grab Han Zhuoli from Lu Man again, what is he Zhengbai!

Unfortunately, Han Zhuoli is hard and hard to eat.

I have never seen such a hard-hearted man.

So they went straight to Luchi again.

And here, Mother Jiang quickly helped Jiang Yujie go home.

Although the lively neighbours were angry with Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi, they also looked down on Jiang Yujie.

Be a good girl, and be a junior to the old man.

If it is really for money, you can sell anything.

Therefore, they did not leave, but they always watched Mother Jiang and Jiang Yujie leave, and then they left while discussing.

(End of this chapter)

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