The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2139: revenge

Chapter 2139: Revenge

When Jiang Yujie came back, he saw his father smoking on the sofa with a heavy expression.

Mother Jiang sighed and said, "Yu Jie, you ... you have to share with that person quickly. We will not resign if the company is gone, shall we?

"You also saw that his wife is not good at all. We can't afford it. What if she finds someone to hurt you?" Jiang mother advised.

Jiang Yujie's face was swollen, her hair was particularly messy, and she looked too embarrassed.

"Mom, I want to be alone." After that, she went back to the room alone.

Mother Jiang uncomfortably wiped her face and sighed heavily.

Their family was honest all their lives. Why did their son get involved first, and now their daughter ...

Jiang Yujie went back to the bedroom, and the whole person changed immediately.

Without being beaten at all, he became more confident.

She brushed her hair a few times at will, her scalp hurt, but her face did not change.

It was only the first pain, and the action stopped, and it continued to be like nothing else.

After combing, she went to lock the door.

Only then did the phone call, "Miss Lu, it's me."

"Miss Jiang." Lu Man said.

"Thank you for the people you found, things are going well." Jiang Yujie said.

Lu Man heard the words and sighed.

At first, it was Jiang Yujie who came to her and asked her about Lu Qiyuan's preference for women.

Lu Man thought that Jiang Yujie was fancy with Lu Qiyuan's money, and his mind was wrong.

At the same time, I felt that Lu Man and Xia Qingyang did not deal with it. If she went to hook up and lead Qiyuan, it would add a block to Xia Qingyang and would definitely help her.

Therefore, Lu Man had no plans to talk to Jiang Yujie at all.

Jiang Yujie wanted to hook up. Guiyuan Qiyuan was her business, but Luman would never help.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yujie said, "I want revenge and collect evidence. Give my brother a fair and let Lu Qiyuan be punished!"

Lu Man decided to listen to what Jiang Yujie was going to say, "What the **** is going on?"

Jiang Yujie said that her brother was jailed for taking bribes.

Actually, because Lu Qiyuan was competing with another company for a government project, her brother happened to be the person in charge, and the decision of which company to choose was in the hands of her brother.

"Lu Qiyuan didn't know where to hear the news. He learned that my brother intends to choose another company." Jiang Yujie said, "I also thought about it. After all, they have to make a decision and have to go through discussions. There are many people involved. Someone will definitely reveal it. "

"Lu Qiyuan knew that, he reported that my brother took a bribe, and then transferred a large amount of money to his account." Jiang Yujie said, "My brother was put in prison for this, and another company was also disqualified. In the end, Let Lu Qiyuan win the project. "

His brother was, of course, wronged, but at first he was all wronged, and for a moment he could not think of any suspicious people.

Since Lu Qiyuan has done this, naturally he will not be found on his head.

The source of that money is a mystery.

In addition, the lawyer hired by the family was very ordinary, so his brother went in.

When he was in jail, his brother slowly calmed down over time, and suspected Lu Qiyuan.

Jiang Yujie said: "I was still in college at the time when I was a senior. Therefore, it didn't take long before I graduated last summer and I found a way to enter Luchi and become Lu Qiyuan's assistant Manager."

Approach him step by step.

Regarding bribery, framing, and non-relevant majors, if you are not professional, please write more.

(End of this chapter)

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