The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2156: Heavy and light

Chapter 2156: Heavy

"If Lu Man came to deal with me, I would understand. But the one who should not betray me is Lu Qi!"

Jiang Yujie said in his heart that you still know!

If Lu Qiyuan is better with Lu Man, he will never end up like the betrayal of today.

No matter what, Lu Man will protect him and help him.

What like Lu Qi's white-eyed wolf.

Lu Qiyuan can only say that he is self-reliant and has no sympathy.

But I did not expect that Lu Qiyuan could be so relentless that he even told his own daughter.

Lu Qiyuan didn't know what Jiang Yujie thought and held her hand. "I had told Xia Qingyang today that I was going to divorce. But she even wanted to count my property by divorce. She just hit me. The muzzle is up. "

"She has evidence that we are together, then I can only start with it." Lu Qiyuan said.

Jiang Yujie nodded helplessly and cleverly.

Lu Qiyuan said, "You can rest assured that Xia Qingyang will go to jail, even if he doesn't want to divorce, he won't even want to take away my belongings."

"When I divorce her, we will get married," said Lu Qiyuan. "Lu Man would not take me as a father for a long time, and Lu Qi betrayed me again, making me chill. In the future, my property will not be a penny Give them. "

"I am so much older than you. It is inevitable to leave earlier than you. In the future, my property will be yours. Even if I am gone, I can still guarantee your life." Lu Qiyuan said.

Jiang Yujie made a very moving look on the surface.

But my heart mocked, Lu Qiyuan really married without a gap.

Immediately after divorcing Xia Qingwei, he could not wait to marry Xia Qingyang.

Before she divorced Xia Qingyang, she had already planned to marry her.

"Don't worry about your parents," said Lu Qiyuan. "I know, I'm a little older, but I can convince them."

"However, even if we are married, because Xia Qingyang has been there, the neighbors around you may still wear colored glasses to see you and your parents." Lu Qiyuan said, "I still have a house in Shanshui Bay. You take your parents to live there. Lest you be there, you will be broken up by nearby people all day. "

Jiang Yujie thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go back and discuss with them. They may not be willing, but I will advise them."

"Okay." Lu Qiyuan laughed. "Where are you hurt?"

"No." Jiang Yujie shook his head. "Mrs. Lu just hit me in the face, probably trying to make me look shameless."

"Is that medicine?" Lu Qiyuan asked again.

"It's been applied, don't worry."

In the end, I don't know what method Jiang Yujie used, or it was really because of awesome people.

It was because her parents couldn't stay in the place where they used to live. It was because Jiang Yujie was finally convinced.

Anyway, finally moved to the house provided by Lu Qiyuan.

Far from the original neighbors and new residences, no one knew about Jiang Yujie.

Xia Qingyang's side, there is more and more evidence against them.

On this day, He Zhengbai, Lu Qi, and Xia Qingyang, together with lawyers Huang and Xia Qingyang invited.

Lawyer Huang said: "Lu Qiyuan was well prepared and had been quietly investigating in the morning. The situation is the worst we have predicted before. This lawsuit cannot be won, and the final sentence is the most It's the three of you who have the weight. "

(End of this chapter)

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