The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2157: I carry

Chapter 2157: I Carry

"What shall we do now?" Xia Qingyang asked nervously.

Lawyer Huang said: "There are two choices now, one is based on the actual actions of the three of you, waiting for the judge to judge. Sentencing is based on the amount of offense you have committed and the severity of the circumstances."

"The other is that one of them carried all the crimes down," said Lawyer Huang.

Xia Qingyang froze for a moment, and Lu Qi objected immediately, "No! This is not possible! It is unfair to let anyone carry this charge alone!"

He Zhengbai looked at Lu Qi and Xia Qingyang and remained silent.

Mr. Huang said, "Here, Mr. He is an accomplice. If he really needs to be sentenced, he is the lightest. From the available evidence, Ms. Xia is not the mastermind. Now most of the assets are in the name of Miss Lu So Miss Lu's punishment should be the heaviest. "

Xia Qingyang immediately looked at Lu Qi.

At that time, Qingyang Xia was to prevent the divorce from allocating property with Lu Qiyuan, so he transferred most of the assets to Lu Qi's name.

Coupled with her daughter Lu Qi, naturally want to give these to Lu Qi.

She was very confident in Lu Qi at the time, and felt that Lu Qi would certainly not ignore her.

With Lu Qi, there are not so many calculations.

Who knows what was done for Lu Qi's sake at the time, but now she has pitted Lu Qi.

Lu Qi's face went white all at once.

With a numb silence for a long time, she said, "Since ... since my crimes are the heaviest, let me take all the crimes."

"Anyway, from the evidence point of view, I am the mastermind." Lu Qi bowed her head, struggling to restrain herself from seeing Xia Qingyang.

She felt that Xia Qingyang was the mastermind!

Xia Qingyang first raised this up.

It was Xia Qingyang who proposed that Chen Lu Qiyuan was seriously ill and began to transfer his property.

According to the situation of Lu Qiyuan at the time, he even wanted to leave part of the property to Lu Man.

Xia Qingyang certainly couldn't agree, and no penny could be left for Lu Man.

Moreover, as for Lu Qiyuan's unreliable bastard, they naturally have to make plans for themselves.

Otherwise, they are not good, but in the end, they can't get a penny.

It was because of hearing what Xia Qingyang said, that Lu Qi decided to do it.

If you really want to find the mastermind, it should be Xia Qingyang!

Xia Qingyang did well, and put the assets in her name. The real thing happened. It was Xia Qingyang who made the idea, but it was her Lu Qi who had an accident!

Fortunately, Xia Qingyang didn't know what Lu Qi thought, otherwise he would be furious.

Unexpectedly, she gave birth to a white-eyed wolf. At first, Lu Qi proposed to put assets in her name.

Xia Qingyang felt that he was fighting around, wasn't it just for Lu Qi?

Can Lu Qi not support her in the future?

Xia Qingyang just didn't expect that he had fed the dogs because of his good intentions.

When Lu Qi coaxed her into a mess, and learned that she agreed to put the assets under Lu Qi's name, let alone filial piety.

As a result, I feel that Xia Qingyang is intentionally framing her.

This is that Xia Qingyang didn't know Lu Qi's thoughts, otherwise he could cry immediately and feed the dog with a kind mother.

"My sin is the heaviest." Lu Qi said, "Mr. Huang said that I really have to convict this sentence, because the amount is huge, I have to sentence more than 5 years. But he suggested that I take the initiative to plead guilty and can be punished lightly. If there are no accidents, it will be 6 years. "

Not a professional, serving the plot. If you write incorrectly, please Haihan ~

(End of this chapter)

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