The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2171: Nothing is unacceptable

Chapter 2171: Nothing Can't Accept

"I just hate that my last life wasn't with you and made you so bullied!" Han Zhuo sneered, "Those who have bullied you don't even want to run away."

"Actually, I have avenged myself in my last life. At least I pulled He Zhengbai and Lu Qi to death." Lu Man said.

Therefore, she will come again in this life.

She didn't deliberately find the stubble of those two people.

The revenge of the last life will be reported.

In this life, those two people came to find something again, and she never let them be better.

"Where did they come to die with you?" Han Zhuoli thought that Lu Man had been burned by the fire, and his heart felt aching, and he couldn't stop being angry.

"You revenge, that's your business. I haven't avenged it yet." Han Zhuo Li said in a deep voice, "I can't let myself go, I'm panicking."

Wait, let him sharpen them with a blunt knife!

Lu Man hugged him, "I never said it because I felt I had regained my life once, and this life restarted, just as all the previous things had passed and no longer existed. I restarted and forgot about the past. At the same time, I am afraid that you will not believe it. I think this is too ridiculous. If you believe it, you will look at me with a different look. So I dare not mention it. "

Han Zhuoli directly patted the fart and the bottom of the road, and she felt a little pain when she hit.

Just listen to Han Zhuoli said, "You don't believe me!"

"I'm sorry." Lu Man confessed wrongly. "I think it's very mysterious to anyone who hears it. They must be scared and panicked when they hear it."

"I didn't expect you to be so receptive." Lu Man muttered.

Han Zhuo sneered, "I didn't accept it high, but because it happened to you. No matter how fantastic something happened to you, I can accept it. My request is simple, no matter what happens, as long as You are fine, as long as you are still with me, there is nothing I cannot accept. "

"Thank you," Lu Man whispered, hugging him tightly.

She always knew that this man was surprisingly good.

But now I feel that this man is so outrageous!

Even he could accept such a thing, and he didn't think it was bad at all, and he didn't flinch at all.

It seemed that her previous struggles were a little silly.

"So, no matter what happens in the future, you tell me, don't be afraid. As long as you can accept it, I can accept it." Han Zhuoli said.

"OK." Lu Man focused heavily.

I heard Han Zhuoli sighed in her ear, "I really hope that in my last life, I can dream about what happened to me in this life. So he knows that I have a wife called Lu Man, and knows that you were bullied Misery allows him to come to you quickly. "

"If you've had a girlfriend all your life, why would you come to me?" Lu Man casually said a hypothesis.

But he listened to Han Zhuoli, "What? I have a girlfriend in my life? Or am I married?"

Even if it happened without his knowledge, Han Zhuoli had a feeling of being derailed and betraying Lu Man.

Lu Man looked at his nervousness and laughed, "No, at least until I die, and I don't see you have a girlfriend, let alone get married. As for what happened then, I don't know."

At least she didn't see it when she was alive, she didn't feel so upset.

(End of this chapter)

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