The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2172: Is the sunset red?

Chapter 2172 Is The Sunset Red?

This is her husband after all, even if he didn't know her in the last life.

But because of the memories of this life, when he learned that in another time and space, he married another woman, and was equally good to other women, she would still be angry and jealous.

But if she didn't know, she could at least be comforted psychologically.

"Stop saying that word." Han Zhuo frowned. "It's uncomfortable listening."

"Well, I won't say any more." Lu Man nodded very well.

Speaking too much, you really shouldn't hang this word in your mouth.

"At that time, you were 30, and I was 38. If I was single at that age, I didn't even have a girlfriend. Then I should not be prepared to accept a fair woman, probably not to accept it in the future. Now, "said Han Zhuoli.

Actually think about it too.

Isn't it easy to find a girlfriend on Han Zhuoli's terms?

As long as he says, he wants a girlfriend.

How many girls will come to him.

In fact, he never worried about finding a girlfriend.

But it was not until 30 years old that I encountered Lu Man.

This shows that he is a person with a pursuit, not just to get married, to heir, but not to satisfy his physical needs.

He just wanted to find the one he loved and loved, to find a soul mate, to spend his life together.

That's why he has never been married in his last life.

Lu Man didn't know what happened after his death, and Han Zhuoli didn't know anything about his life.

But in fact, even after Lu Man's death, Han Zhuoli was still single, to death.

Although, Han Zhuoli did not remember the things of his last life.

But after he said that, Lu Man was still very happy and believed.

Only he knows himself best.

Since Han Zhuoli said so, it must be so.

"If you change into this life, I haven't met you." Han Zhuo Li said, "I probably won't find anyone else. After all, I haven't met one in thirty years, and then I met you. Then except you, the next thirty I am afraid I will have a hard time meeting the second one. "

Lu Man couldn't help himself.

What if Han Zhuo Li met?

Met someone I would love again?

Although she knew this assumption did not exist, she couldn't help thinking about it.

It was because he had owned it that he couldn't bear him to fall in love with someone other than her.

"Because I didn't meet you in my last life, I was single in the 38 years before me, so how do you think that I couldn't do it in the 38 years before, I can do it in the next 20 years? Twelve years, I'm sixty. Where can I go to find true love? Is the sunset red? "Han Zhuo Li said angrily.

Although, she cares about him like this, which makes him very happy.

"In addition to this life, I have met you. No other woman will take a closer look, and can find that she may fall in love with others?" Han Zhuoli pouted, "Don't make trouble."

Lu Man laughed at his "red sunset".

"I see, I was thinking blindly." Lu Man said.

"Anyway, you're just me alone for two lives." Lu Man said.

"Yes." Han Zhuo nodded, without doubt, he was confident in his choice.

It's better to lack.

If not, I would rather be alone than look for it.

Anyway, don't look at the old lady pressing hard, but even if he can't find it, the old lady can't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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