The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2215: 2274 The Most Beautiful Accidents In Each Other's Life

Chapter 2215 2274 The Most Beautiful Accident In Each Other's Life

His hair was stiffer than her.

The ends of her hair were brushing at her fingertips, and a little bit itchy.

Shi Xiaoya found it interesting, so he stopped drawing circles on his skin and turned around his hair ends instead.

"It's kind of like dreaming," Shi Xiaoya said softly, "I didn't expect that one day I would become Mrs. Han. I didn't expect that one day I would marry you."

Han Zhuoling used to name her only a name heard from other people.

All understanding comes from others' evaluation of Han Zhuo Ling.

It feels particularly distant.

As if he was a figure standing on the horizon.

She couldn't see it, like a legend, not to mention acquaintance.

Moreover, he still has a husband.

For a person who does not know at all, naturally will not have any thoughts.

But fate is so wonderful.

A person she thought she would probably never know in her life became his boyfriend.

He had a wife, but was single again and was with her again.

Two people who can't hit eight poles normally don't have the possibility of acquaintance in this life.

But now she has become his fiancee.

How close they have been.

Isn't that amazing?

Han Zhuo Ling watched her deeply with a warm arc.

He softly said, "I didn't expect it."

"Actually I thought that I might never get married again in my life. The previous marriage was not what I wanted. Although the elders in the family still hope that I can find one I like and get married again." Han Zhuo Ling said, "But in fact I Don't think I'll like someone alone. "

"Like this feeling is too unfamiliar to me. I thought it was a feeling that would never happen to me. I don't even know why there is such a feeling and what it means to have it."

"As for future generations, I don't think it matters. It's not something I value for succession. This is also the benefit of brothers. Zhuo Li is married. He and Lu Man will definitely have children. Zhuo Feng's feelings are richer than me, I'm more personal. "Han Zhuo Ling said.

Nothing is so unreal and incredible.

But this feeling really appeared after they were about to get married. They are now unmarried couples.

Marvel at the fate of fate.

Han Zhuoling gently combed her long hair to the sides with her fingertips, revealing her smooth little face.

"Mrs. Han in the future," Han Zhuo Ling called.

This new title made him laugh.

There was a lot of joy in this smile, and he laughed with a childish look all over him.

Different from the calm appearance on weekdays, at this time he actually showed a little sunny boy appearance.

Through his smile, Shi Xiaoya remembered the photos of him when he was in high school.

He now has both the current maturity and the original greenness.

Shi Xiaoya's hands also moved from his back neck to his face, his fingertips were thin, and his eyebrows were painted little by little.

She raised her head and kissed his lips. "My future husband."

These seven words seem to stimulate Han Zhuoling.

His breathing was obviously heavy, and when Shi Xiaoya fell back, he followed closely and kissed her forcefully.

The slender fingers penetrated Shi Xiaoya's finger joints a little bit, and they intertwined with her fingers and held them firmly.

"I want you to be Mrs. Han soon." Han Zhuo Ling's lips pressed against her lips.

She thought so too.

He used to have a Mrs. Han, but at this moment he felt a little bored.

In the future, he will be her only Mrs. Han.

Shi Xiaoya thought so, and kissed him more seriously.

This man, from the body to the mind, must belong to her alone.

No need for her to say anything, Han Zhuo Ling also clearly felt her strong possessiveness.

Han Zhuo Ling was so happy that Shi Xiaoya's possessiveness was better.

Shi Xiaoya just knew that Han Zhuo Ling was really kind to her.

She thought that she could bear the excitement tonight with this excitement.

In this case, Shi Xiaoya didn't like to listen.

"How do you say yourself! You are so good!"

Han Zhuoling smiled warmly, "My thoughts have changed. What I tell you is my previous thoughts."

"At that time, I was relying on the presence of Zhuo Li and Zhuo Feng. In fact, I do n’t think it matters if I do n’t get married or have children. I think it ’s good for a person to live like this. on."

"You said that you never thought you could be with me and be my wife one day. And I never thought that one day I would like a girl, like it, love it."

"I would be so eager to marry a girl and want you to be Mrs. Han, I am afraid that you will be taken a step slower." Han Zhuo Ling said softly.

I will rack my brains and think about how to propose a marriage, and I like one person better than everything.

"We are all unexpected in each other's lives." Han Zhuo Ling said with a smile, "I am grateful that such a wonderful accident can be encountered in life."

Shi Xiaoya's eyes were warm.

What Han Zhuoling said was beautiful.

Indeed, they are all the most beautiful accidents in each other's lives.

It's because it's incredible to think about it, so I still don't think it's realistic.

In fact, before Han Zhuo Ling proposed, she only had a relationship with him. Before today, she didn't feel that way.

(End of this chapter)

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