The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2216: How did it get a little ...

Chapter 2216 How Did It Get A Little ...

Sure enough, she was too naive.

It would have been less proactive to have known it, and seemed to be more patient.

Actually, how old can you be and how can you not count it?

Therefore, Han Zhuo Ling really overestimated Shi Xiaoya's ability.

This time, Shi Xiaoya even passed out.

It's almost better than before!

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

What did he do?

She can't faint, can he continue?

This is too fowl.

Helpless, Han Zhuo Ling had to resolve it by himself.

While leaning on her hand in depression, she gritted her teeth and looked at Shi Xiaoya, who had fallen asleep.

This little girl is so angry!

What a wonderful and memorable day today!

In the end she was so disappointed.

He stunned him to think she was so angry that she could fight him till dawn.

Who knows how long it will take before she is finished!

As a result, she hit her and had no intention of being responsible.

Just leave him here, do you say hard or not?

Han Zhuo Ling was depressed and wanted to wake up Shi Xiaoya.

However, looking at Shi Xiaoya's pitiful Baba, and her little red face with tears hanging from her eyes, Han Zhuoling couldn't bear it.

I had no choice but to look at Shi Xiaoya depressed, while relying on my imagination.

When she couldn't help it, she bowed her head and kissed her.

After finally solving it by himself, he took Shi Xiaoya into his arms and hugged it, saying that he would no longer believe in the illusion of Shi Xiaoya.

This is not as good as what he had collected before.

At least there are heads and tails, which is much better than suddenly breaking off by half.

Han Zhuo Ling secretly decided that he must take Shi Xiaoya to exercise together in the future.

Her physical fitness is really bad!

Han Zhuo Ling was thinking, while holding Shi Xiaoya to sleep.


The next day, when Shi Xiaoya opened her eyes, she saw that Han Zhuo Ling was sullen.

However, people who look good, even with a calm face, still look good.

Shi Xiaoya may not know the reason for Han Zhuoling at first.

Her innocent fan fluttered her long eyelashes.

But after a while I also remembered.

She thought that she seemed to faint last night without persisting, and she had forgotten what happened next.

I don't know how Han Zhuoling finally solved it.

There was a guilty conscience in Shi Xiaoya's heart.

"You woke up so early?" Shi Xiaoya couldn't hide her guilty conscience when she said it.

Seeing that Zhuo Han slowly turned her head to look at her and raised an eyebrow.

Sure enough, I saw Han Zhuoling sneer, "I was busy working till midnight, and I couldn't sleep when I was depressed."

Han Zhuo Ling pointed to the blue and black at present, "This is all evidence of desire.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

I saw this style of painting together early in the morning and couldn't really react.

He didn't do that before!

She doesn't say how different Han Zhuo Ling's painting style has become since her fall in love.

But even the style of painting after falling in love has never been the case.

How did it get a little bit this morning ... two two.

Is it the sequelae of desire and dissatisfaction?

Shi Xiaoya's eyes narrowed, "I ... I didn't mean it."

Her voice was so soft, and poor Baba was soft and coquettish, so that Han Zhuo Ling was really not willing to take her.

Even the gas can't even breathe, and it's just me depressed.

Han Zhuoling sighed: "You ... you are ..."

Depressed by her, she was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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