The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2217: I do n’t know myself enough

Chapter 2217: My Understanding Of Too Much

"Looking at your initiative and enthusiasm last night, I thought you could last a long time this time. I didn't expect it to be a cannon, a paper tiger. It didn't last long." Han Zhuo Ling complained.

"..." Shi Xiaoya also felt very wronged, and immediately said, "I also estimated it. According to your usual level, I feel that with the excitement of last night, I will definitely persist until the end. Who knows you……"

Super level play!

Shi Xiaoya was afraid to say this.

After talking about Han Zhuo Ling, she had to talk to her.

Maybe directly prove to her on the spot, that's his normal level, and it's definitely not a super level.

If she really said it, wouldn't it mean that Han Zhuo Ling's level is normal.

However, even if Shi Xiaoya closed her mouth in time, did she think that Han Zhuoling couldn't hear it?

This man, but the existence of the demon Jin Zhijin.

Not to mention he knows Shi Xiaoya too.

Shi Xiaoya said only half a sentence, but Han Zhuo Ling did not understand the truth.

Therefore, before Shi Xiaoya said this, she saw Han Zhuoring sneer.

Shi Xiaoya's scalp was numb with that smirk.

Han Zhuoling turned over, propped up by Shi Xiaoya's pillow with one hand, and squeezed the other hand directly into the gap between her back waist and the bed, holding her palm against her back, and firmly clasping her arms.

"Oh! I'm always considerate of you, and I've been afraid to use it all the time." Han Zhuo Ling sneered, "Do you still think I'm a soft-foot shrimp? I thought I played at a super-level last night?"

"I didn't say that!" Shi Xiaoya's strong desire to survive made her deny it particularly quickly.

"Don't think I can't hear what you didn't dare to say behind you." Han Zhuo Ling smiled vaguely. "I told you that last night was my normal level. You can't take it when you keep it. Stay, how dare I play it normally? Seeing you look so imposing last night, I thought you had a good skill, so it was confiscated. "

As soon as he thought about it, Han Zhuo Ling came to anger and vomited blood.

He took a deep breath and looked really stunned.

For a long time, he was sullen and said, "Who knows you are so disappointed!"

"It's only halfway through, and you're dizzy. You said you girl, you'll just let go of me after you're done. Are you going to be mad at me?" Han Zhuo Ling said, "Dare you even misunderstand my usual ability ! "

Compared to Shi Xiaoya leaving him last night, Han Zhuoling found out now that Shi Xiaoya suspected that his normal level made him even more angry.

Sure enough, no matter what man it is.

No matter how mature, stable, and capable, others, especially their own women, will question him.

Shi Xiaoya immediately showed an unusually surprised expression, and said with a shocked expression, "You usually keep it, don't you use all your energy?"

"My God!" Shi Xiaoya shouted, "You are too terrific! You can't take it when you usually take it. In my opinion, it is already terrible. That's why I thought last night was super Level. I don't know if you were normal last night. "

Shi Xiaoya was stunned by the horns, and said poorly, "I am so naive, I have never seen the world. I thought I could stick to the level you usually keep. I didn't expect that you were normal last night. It's because I don't know myself enough. "

Han Zhuoling was so angry at this moment that she pushed her hard into her arms.

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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