The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2218: Let you know

Chapter 2218 Let You Know

"Who else do you want to see?" Han Zhuoling said with gritted teeth.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

She just said so casually, why is this man still picking words?

Without waiting for Shi Xiaoya's explanation, Han Zhuo Ling pressed her hard, "Have you seen the whole world here?"

"..." Shi Xiaoya explained weakly, "Isn't that because you haven't seen the world before you?"

"So ..." So I don't know if his level is high or low.

Shi Xiaoya regretted saying two words.

Really owe it!

Nothing to say what to do!

No, it doesn't matter if you think about it, this man can totally guess what she's thinking.

Sure enough, I heard Han Zhuoling sneer, "I ca n’t say without a word, how can I say that I am superb, and you have n’t really passed. After all, I just put it in, I did n’t really use my full strength, so you also Can't feel it. "

"I'll try with all my strength at this moment," said Han Zhuo Ling, having already started.

"No, no need!" Shi Xiaoya said quickly, "I ... haven't I all experienced it? Last night, didn't you say that you used your best effort last night?"

"But it didn't run out." Han Zhuo Ling said, "It's only halfway before you feel dizzy and don't feel it, then I can only stop. So you don't feel what level I use to my full strength."

"I feel it, I feel it." Shi Xiaoya said quickly, "I can only hold it to half, which shows your level!"

Shi Xiaoya quickly grabbed Han Zhuo Ling's face, sipped on his lips, and said, "My man is too strong, so I can't bear it."

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

Although I know that the little girl is probably saying that she is pleased with herself, the ultimate goal is to stop herself and dispel her ideas.

But after she said that, I couldn't help but feel very proud, very proud.

Man's vanity has never been satisfied.

Who said that Han Dashao had no vanity?

When it comes to this aspect, no man is immune from vulgarity.

The corner of Han Zhuo Ling's mouth was beyond his control, and he kept moving upwards.

Suddenly like this by Shi Xiaoya, it suddenly became the strongest feeling in the world.

Even involuntarily in her head, every time she was asked by him, she looked weak and helpless.

Even the sound of her crying and begging was ringing in her ear.

Think of it this way, Han Zhuo Ling suddenly felt more.

"I won't stop even if you feel dizzy today." Han Zhuoling was laughing just like a big villain at the moment. "I have to let you know, my true strength. Lest you countless days and misunderstand you . "

Shi Xiaoya said to herself, who did you mess with?

Call yourself this broken mouth!

Can't speak, offends the man, refuses to let her go!

She also did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling was so careless in this regard.

A person who is usually generous also has such carelessness.

Shi Xiaoya wanted to cry without tears, so she thought of how to divert Han Zhuoling's attention.

"I haven't had breakfast yet, shall I cook for you?" Shi Xiaoya said quickly.

Who knows, just after saying this, Han Zhuoling looked at her with deep meaning.

"How ... what happened?" Shi Xiaoya asked guilty.

"Have you had the energy to cook?" Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow.

(End of this chapter)

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