The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2222: See you long

Chapter 2222: See You Alive

So in the beginning of the year, she quickly followed Han Zhuoling into the office.

Han Zhuoling was doing the preparatory work before his work, while listening to the report from the beginning of the year.

I was talking at the beginning of the year, and Han Zhuo Ling's cell phone rang.

He stopped at the beginning of the year. Han Zhuo Ling took a look at his mobile phone. It was Han Zhuo Li's phone.

Then they picked up, "What?"

"Yo, brother, I heard that you only come to the company now?" Han Zhuoli said.

"..." Han Zhuo Ling was also drunk. "How do you say you care about these gossips all day long. You spend half your time in the company not doing business, do Lu Man know?"

"Just care about your movements, and this is the right thing." Han Zhuoli said very seriously, "please take this issue seriously."

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

"I remember that you didn't work and didn't entertain in the morning. Why didn't you come?" Han Zhuo Li said, "You used to be at the company at six o'clock. Later, because of love relationships, you're slack on work, so you don't have to come early. It came directly at noon! "

"You said you were in love, how could you have time to work?" Han Zhuo Ling said.

Lying down? ? ?

In the early years, I looked at Han Zhuo Ling in shock.

This is what Han Zhuo Ling would say!

See you so long!

I didn't expect that one day I could hear from Han Zhuoling that there was no time to work!

At the other end of the phone, Han Zhuo Li caught Han Zhuo Ling's words, "You really are with Xiaoya, so you didn't come to work!"

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

"Well, after knowing the answer, I can work with peace of mind, goodbye." Han Zhuoli finished, and hung up.

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

So this kid is pure gossip.

Han Zhuo Ling said that if Han Zhuo Li was a single dog, he could stimulate Han Zhuo Li.

It's a pity that Han Zhuo Li got married early, and he just succeeded in the proposal.

If I really want to go to Han Zhuoli, then I don't know who is stimulating who.

But even at the company's Han Zhuo Ling, he still had excitement on him.

At the end of the shift, Han Zhuo Ling immediately returned home, and after taking Xiaoya, he went to the poet.

Shi Xiaoya naturally greeted her parents in advance and called Shi Nancang.

However, nothing was said about it.

It was the same as taking Han Zhuo Ling home for the first time, telling his parents to take his boyfriend back, but he refused to say who the boyfriend was.

This is mysterious, but Du Yizhen is curious.

Before Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling arrived, Du Yiying was holding Shi Guzhong at home and guessed, "What's the matter with Xiaoya, so seriously? You also called Nancang back."

"Maybe just get together and have a meal. After all, their brothers and sisters have good feelings and they rarely come back once, and they must inform each other." Shi Guanzhong said, "If you return to Chang Nancang, you must call Xiaoya.

"Although that's the case, I still think there is something wrong." Du Yi muttered.

She was racking her brains by herself.

"Ah!" Du Yichen suddenly changed his face.

This cry stunned Shi Guanzhong.

It was really startling, he almost jumped off the sofa.

"What are you doing, startled!" Shi Guan complained.

"You said, could it be Xiaoya that they broke up?" Du Yi said uneasily.

She really likes Han Zhuo Ling.

It has nothing to do with the Han family, but the man himself, Han Zhuo Ling, is really reassuring.

(End of this chapter)

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