The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2223: Status is already so low

Chapter 2223: Status Is So Low

There are all the conditions that can turn into a scumbag, but he is a good and reliable young man.

Can you say that it is not enjoyable?

No matter what kind of marriage, don't care.

"What are you thinking about?" Shi Guanzhong smirked. "How reliable and reliable you are to say Zhuo Ling all day long, how can you doubt that they broke up?"

Du Yichen said: "Reliability does not mean that we will not break up. Things like feelings have nothing to do with character."

"Don't think blindly," Shi Guanzhong said, "I was going to record the show two days ago. How can we break up. This is the end of the show. Come back to our house to see it. You make stories in your mind all day Are you tired? "

"Huh!" Du Yichen said, "I just feel that Zhuo Ling is so good. I don't feel secure."

"Then you have to have confidence in our girlfriends. Zhuo Ling is good. Where is our girlfriend? What is the blessing of our baby daughter, who is with her?" Shi Guanzhong said .

"That's necessary." Du Yichen said, "I'm not saying where our girlfriend is bad. Just put Zhuo Ling in the men's pile to compare. I, I think, there are really few men that can be compared. Zhuo Ling's. Our daughter is so good, of course, looking for a man like Zhuo Ling. Of course, I almost feel that my girlfriend is losing.

Shi Guan said that you didn't think so.

When Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling were not together, Du Yichen's requirements for Shi Xiaoya's future boyfriend were not so high.

Just like Shi Xiaoya.

Of course, it can't be any scumbag.

You must have character.

This is also the appearance of Han Zhuo Ling, even raising Du Yizhen's eyes to a new height.

Not that he said that in case Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya broke up.

With regard to Du Yizheng's son-in-law selection criteria now being adopted by Han Zhuo Ling, who else can get her eyes on it?

Thinking about it that way, Shi Guanzhong suddenly discovered that his vision was also raised by Han Zhuoling.

If Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya really break up in the future, even if Shi Xiaoya looks for him again, he can't help but compare each other with Han Zhuo Ling.

As long as it's worse than Han Zhuo Ling, it will definitely not taste like this.

As a result, Shi Guan stopped talking.

The couple were silent.

At this time, the doorbell rang at home.

Du Yi immediately stood up in excitement, "Is Xiaoya back?"

The aunt at home went to open the door and turned to Du Yichen and said, "It's the young master who is back."

Du Yizhang sat back again, disgustingly.

Shi Nancang didn't know it yet, he was suspected of being abandoned by his mother.

After a while, Shi Nancang came into the room and saw that Du Yizhen was not very interested. He didn't even care about him when he came in.

Xinxin said that his status at home is already so low?

"Dad, mom." Shinancang called, sitting down on the sofa opposite them, "why did you both ignore me?"

"Take care of you, take care of you." Du Yizheng said twice in response.

Shi Nancang: "..."

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Shi Nancang asked.

When asked, Aunt brought Tea to Nanan Cang.

Du Yimin said, "It's not Xiaoya, and it doesn't say anything. I called you back and looked like a big deal. Am I not worried? I thought they were breaking up or something."

(End of this chapter)

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