The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2242: Poor level

Chapter 2242: Poor Level

Han Leilei brought Lu Man a jar of fruit juice. Sun Mengying from National Opera also participated in the Huayi Cup and met Lu Man.

"Lu Man, did you bring your luggage?" Sun Mengying asked.

Lu Man shook his head. "I came here to rest during the day and not to live in the school at night."

Han Leilei explained: "Han Shao has also come here, and certainly will not let Lu Man live here."

The Han family did not buy a villa here.

They came and stayed in the hotel.

I booked for a month at a time, in addition to accompanying Lu Man to participate in the exchange match, it is also convenient to stay here to play for a while before going back to the exchange match.

Wang Juhuai lives in Los Angeles, not in New York, so he lives in the hotel with Xia Qingwei.

He took Xia Qingwei and went back to see the original residence.

That's not where he lived with Lin Jinshu before.

Because he could not bear the traces of Lin Jinshu left in his life, he changed houses after divorce.

Therefore, Xia Qingwei will not bring any bad feelings.

Sun Mengying nodded, expressing understanding.

She was just curious and had no opinion on it.

"I checked in earlier and found that they were very unfriendly to me when I went through the formalities. I thought they were just hostile to me. But from their later words, I also mentioned you." Lu Man said implicitly, "Are you also bullied here?"

As soon as this was said, everyone's expressions dimmed, one by one downcast.

Tan Mingxiao sighed: "I don't know if I'm so poor if I don't come here to see."

Guo Hai said, "In fact, they also intentionally gave us a kick. We have to step on us, otherwise we won't lose so much everywhere. But after all, it is because we are too poor."

"What the **** is going on?" Lu Man asked.

Anyway, she still doesn't know what is going on.

Han Leilei said, "Nine of us came first, and we felt that they were not in the right atmosphere for us."

"Moreover, they gave us a dismissal. At first we thought that it was probably because of our relationship when we first arrived." Han Leilei said, "If it was dismissed, it's nothing. But they didn't mean to stop. . "

"Every class, and homework assigned by the professor, there are always people looking for opportunities to embarrass us and make us lose face." That's it. "

"Maybe in the end we are still not as good as people, but compared with our previous one, an improvement is an improvement." Han Leilei said.

"But they haven't stopped stepping on us. After losing a few times, we also noticed that this is abnormal. Even if we are not as good as people, but we are here to learn, they should not be like this."

"At the time, a few of us also discussed. I wonder if it was because they sent exchange students to our side and lost."

"They couldn't swallow this breath and just wanted to get it back from us." Han Leilei said.

"As a result, after a while, one time I really heard the meaning from their words." Han Leilei said, "We can be sure, it really is."

Those who have just returned home are tired and cannot return to the code word rhythm. There are two more days and more ~

(End of this chapter)

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